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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Not anymore - I used to watch BET, MTV and VH1 for music videos but I haven't watched them in years.
  2. Even though this fight isn't canon, I still liked watching it
  3. Disturbia (2007) - 8/10
  4. Same - I watch quite a bit of anime and I'm an adult in my 30s. I've been watching them since I was a kid and don't intend to stop.
  5. I played some Content Warning with friends and we went viral because one of my friends was being tossed around by a Behemoth. This had to be some of the most hilarious moments we've had playing a game together.
  6. Imagine wielding Wonder Woman's iconic lasso of truth. Who would be your first target? A politician, a celebrity, a friend, or maybe even yourself? Share your thoughts on whose secrets you'd unravel first and why. I'll start: I know I'd definitely target a politician - they have a lot of things to hide so I'd like to know what dirty secrets they're hiding.
  7. Hey VGR family, imagine you're a conman with the uncanny ability to infiltrate any profession seamlessly. Which job would you choose to pretend being an expert at? Would you charm your way into the corporate world, dazzle as a renowned surgeon, or perhaps blend in as a top-tier scientist? Let your imagination run wild! Share your cunning career choice and why it would be the perfect cover.
  8. What's the most absurd outfit you've ever dared to wear in public? Whether it was a result of a lost bet, a crazy dare, or just a questionable fashion choice, Share it with us. Can't wait to laugh along with your stories.
  9. What's the sneakiest thing you ever pulled off as a kid? From secret snack stashes to covert missions past curfew, let's hear about it.
  10. What's the weirdest coincidence you've experienced firsthand? Whether it's a chance encounter, an uncanny parallel, or a freakishly timed event, we want to hear about it. I feel like this is going to be a juicy one.
  11. If you had the power to un-invent one thing from existence, what would it be? Whether it's a pesky invention causing more harm than good or just something that annoys you on a daily basis, we're curious to hear your thoughts.
  12. What's the nicest thing you've done for someone without them knowing? Whether it's a small gesture or a grand act of kindness, spill the beans.
  13. Hey everyone! Let's dive into the realm of the irrational. What's the weirdest superstition you hold onto? Whether it's avoiding cracks on the pavement or knocking on wood for luck, share your quirkiest beliefs. Let's see if anyone else shares in the superstition or if you're the lone wolf in your irrationality!
  14. We all have that one special spot where everything just feels right. Whether it's a cozy nook at home, a serene natural setting, or even a favorite café, we'd love to hear about your happy place! Share your location and why it means so much to you.
  15. Wait? What?! What bet did you lose? That sounds painful. Did any of them catch you?
  16. I can imagine - I wouldn't remove it either. I'd just get another phone. It's not worth smelling like shit for who knows how long. I remembered when I was in high school some kid dropped in a pile of shit some bushes and he had that scent on him for days.
  17. My favorite quote is "Push through the pain. Giving up hurts more." - Vegeta.
  18. Are you from India? I have a friend who told me about the Smog in Delhi.
  19. I find that inhaling and exhaling slowly works for me best and is the most reliable. Water works at times but it's so consistent.
  20. It's true but you do have to work smarter as well and manage your time properly. Otherwise, you exhaust yourself.
  21. Yeah - it does look like it has some potential. Also, I love play Golf with Friends with my gaming partners. It creates lots of hilarious moments.
  22. I've learned not to worry about the things I can't control. Instead, I deal with what I can control - I'm hella calm nowadays no matter what's happening.
  23. Yeah - it's the Vodka I'm talking. I used to chase it with all kinds of other drinks like grape soda.
  24. Well, I don't normally want to celebrate my birthday but friends and family always planning surprise parties for me. Happy Birthday when it comes man. Well, try something new - have you ever used a jet-ski?
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