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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. GTA was still ahead because Liberty City and Vice City were streets ahead of Driver 3. The one that I thought had the most potential to rival GTA was Saints Row and they just went down a very bizarre road which they never recovered from.
  2. That's the one issue I always had as a former console gamer in that you can hardly mod any of the games. I remember when I used to read magazines of mods about games like San Andreas and was surprised on what they could do to their game on PC. You can throw in other titles like Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, The Fallout Games, Ark Evolved among others that provide brand new experiences with mods depending on the setup. Mods can drastically increase the lifeline of most PC titles - even San Andreas is still getting plenty of love and that was a game from the early 2000s but they still have RP servers.
  3. Fallout 76 had to make this list - my questions how comes Anthem didn't. Metal Gear Survive is like the "bad egg" of the Metal Gear franchise - we don't claim this game at all. I thought Superman 64 should've been on this list as well but Superman Returns was really a pretty horrid game.
  4. After Facebook acquired Oculus, I stopped wanting one. I don't even really use Facebook anymore either. It's just used to keep in contact with some friends and family and I'm seriously considering deleting that account. I wish Facebook was shut down permanently or just banned from existence.
  5. I knew Spyro had to be on this list! It's crappiness knows no limits - Let's put it this way, if someone said I had two choices of catch Covid and die slowly or play Spyro, Covid sounds pretty appealing to me.
  6. I get it Mont but some games are so unbearable that you have a very strong urge to stop playing them after a while even if you didn't finish them.
  7. They're your typical oppressive regime who consider themselves "noble", just like how crusaders used to be while murdering and torturing millions. I usually try to get rid of them first in Fallout games. The only group I found to be of comparable annoyance was the Enclave.
  8. I wanted that to happen as well but there are ways to "kill him" using mods. I actually found a pretty funny RDR 2 video with them killing him before time.
  9. Oh Okay. That makes sense but I'd have just been upset for like an hour or two and then we'd have another try at it.
  10. When Arthur dies and after a few years, you play as John Marston where you go on a mission to hunt him down and Dutch shoots Micah and you get to finish him off.
  11. That's what I've been telling you. If you're not using your machine, it doesn't make much sense to have it running all the time. You save on electricity along with other things.
  12. Yeah, the creator series was specifically made for that but at $3000, I'm not sure I'll be getting one any time soon. I do like that they have a 4k panel but that doesn't warrant the price at all.
  13. killamch89

    Intel or AMD

    If it weren't for Ryzen, we'd still be talking about another overpriced Intel quad core CPU right now so we need that competition to continue.
  14. Yeah they do but AMD has made a bigger dent this year and with both companies moving to 5nm next gen, the performance of those GPUs will be off the charts.
  15. Yeah, I get that part but AMD doesn't try to rip you off half as much as Intel. As a matter of fact, if it weren't for AMD, we'd be talking about another quad-core Intel CPU right now and sighing.
  16. I don't eat it that much nowadays main because of covid curfews and the long waiting time when I'm so hungry! That's why I'm glad I can cook my own meals.
  17. That's what I'm saying. They'd be limiting their own resources by limiting it to the Microsoft platform.
  18. I've given up that completionist ideology years ago. It depends on the game - if the mission is required to progress the story, then I'll do it or if I'm in the mood. Otherwise, I won't bother with it.
  19. I've been doing the same because I plan to get a PS5 as well and I'm fully aware of that. What I was saying is that it's crazy how QHD adoption isn't being pushed nearly as much as 4k. It's like most companies are just skipping over it because Sony doesn't even offer QHD resolution support on the PS5. As a matter of fact, the only market that I've seen widely adopt this technology are smartphones and tablets.
  20. $270?! I think I'll pass on this one...
  21. As a collectible, it depends on the price honestly and who knows? You probably could auction it off for thousands of dollars years from now. However, as a functioning console, I can't see where this is going to be honest.
  22. We'll see how this works out but I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet...
  23. I'm not sure what to say because Microsoft are very good with exclusive games so they'd probably ruin a great deal of those franchises. All you have to do is look at how many original exclusives they had for the original Xbox and only Halo and Fable are the survivors of that generation.
  24. It's true that they're very good at making use of cover and maneuvering. When I used to play Fortnite, I was actually pretty good at it but only due to my years of experience in FPS deathmatches. I agree. They need to got out there and fight!
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