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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm a chicken pizza kind of guy but back in the day I loved the meatlovers pizza when I ate almost every kind of meat.
  2. Pretty good man and unfortunately, covid will be with us for a while longer and the after effects will be felt for a couple of years. What's going on with you?
  3. That's a good shout honestly, I'd also add that the cities in Driver games were amazingly accurate especially the Miami map. You'd be right about that. I mean they'd have to make some kind of imaginary bridge joining even country or some kind of travel system. Unfortunately, no such game exist.
  4. I remember when they were promoting a demo with Primal on the PlayStation magazine and I had gotten it. Honestly, I do remember a couple of other magazines by the content but I can't quite remember which magazines they were. There were a couple of gaming magazines that were promoting games for the Ipad that I've gotten for free.
  5. Deus Ex Mankind Divided did it a great job as well because in addition to the ongoing wars between natural humans and the cybernetic enhanced ones, you had little things in the game like at certain restaurants they had tables reserved for natural people only.
  6. I never thought I'd see a discussion about Lovecraft on this forum and I wasn't even aware they had books either(I usually know these things). How long have these books been around and where in the timeline do they fall?
  7. I'm mostly new as well - I did buy this used Pokemon game for my Nintendo DS but I can't be bothered to play it. 99%> is digital and it's new
  8. You have a valid point there. The other part of the spectrum is the idiots who choose to buy from these individuals as well - they should face comparable backlash because they're a part of the problem.
  9. When it's time-consuming and doesn't offer anything to the player's progress storywise or any cool awards.
  10. This version of Summoners war is so strange to me as well. The cartoony graphics I can get over but the core gameplay of the original Summoners war is no longer there. It's just some 2d/3d hybrid action game now. I'll pass!
  11. That much is obvious when Flat Earthers are actually taken seriously (despite the overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise) and people doing stupid challenges like light myself on fire challenge (I wish someone told them to pour lots of gasoline on themselves to ensure the fire is hard to be put out). I wouldn't be mad if some suicide bomber got hold of a couple of nukes and wiped out humanity. At this point, humans are far more of a destructive force to this planet and themselves than any other organism on this planet.
  12. I guarantee you that if you learn to cook, you'll become addicted to it because you can prepare a meal on demand at any time of your choosing and it won't really cost you either.
  13. Pokemon Fall Guys Mario Kart 64 Super Smash Bros
  14. Whichever company tries to make a competitor to Madden will have an uphill battle because the licensing fees to use the individual teams' branding costs in the millions and most game manufacturers can't afford that per year. If they can overcome that and actually put out a bug-free game, they can win over some Madden fans but then you'll always have the die-hearted fanboys (I despise these lot) who'll try to defend EA.
  15. Sleeping dogs would definitely rank in my top 5 martial arts games of all time. Another game I played quite a bit back in the day was Shaolin vs Wutang and while it wasn't an extremely amazing martial arts game, the fighting moves were actually pretty accurate and the game was decent.
  16. Personally, I wouldn't be interested in it at all because the first-person view gives me all the immersion I need. It's just like Skyrim or Oblivion, I never bother with the first-person view in these games or mods made for that kind of gameplay.
  17. Ebay = scalper heaven. I have also tried in the past but I have never been successful because I'm not spending way over the original market price for any game at all. I'd rather do without.
  18. In the immediate future, not really but over time, they'll probably be immortalized as the "dark ages" of gaming. It also, serve to remind us that technology in gaming has come a far way...
  19. I mean I used to play flight simulator back in the days but honestly, most simulators are boring to me because most of them are things you could do in real life. I personally prefer some fiction when it comes to gaming.
  20. Terrorizing my dogs with vicious belly rubs and make their hind leg scratch uncontrollably. My dogs are some sick bastards though because they beg for more...
  21. When Raiden made his first appearance in MGS: 4 to save solid snake.
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