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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. There are a few videos on YouTube about that so you could give it a try and see what happens.
  2. I already have the game and on PC it's far more playable especially after patching that save file bug. Apart from the bugs, it's a pretty fun game and the loads of customization makes your character look truly unique and even though you can't see them in first person view, when you see them in a cutscene, it brings tears to your eyes...
  3. I wish you lived near me so that I could share some of my food...
  4. Nintendo won a court case against a company that provided Mario Kart Themed Go-Kart tours around Tokyo. It is reported that Nintendo originally sued this company because they allowed drivers to dress up as Nintendo characters which they felt was infringing on their intellectual property rights. What do you think about this? Source: https://www.engadget.com/nintendo-seals-court-victory-against-knockoff-gokart-tour-company-133028716.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFTZB1RxOZWkiRkJfBzbh68nmx8r3wF4CXbfhWRmp5Z0AkOcoTEqYbVj_YxE2GBhEy5FCtT2ESAUcmKsmJ4ntdK6iC0lnBmQesinwPGzUJd6K24EcXMqWSshZqMHDv5Qn9qHx9DGDx5Bwf0a37asnoa_DOGPL_z4lPnaDmVv2GqE
  5. Well everyone, we knew this was coming and depending on the outcomes of these cases, more lawsuits may also be forthcoming which spells bad news for CDPR. What are your thoughts on this?
  6. Merry Christmas all and yeah, I did get a dose of diarrhea from eating too much food 😹. That's what I get for being gluttonous...But I'd do it all over again!
  7. I totally agree with you there. Fallout New Vegas is buggy without mods and does tend to crash a lot but I still love it as well.
  8. Of you can convert the save file to ps4 coding you may have a chance there...
  9. So would I but as I previously said, they'd have to include the Marvel Lore on symbiotes because it has been infinitely expanded upon in the last 4-5 years. I don't want to spoil it for you guys but all symbiotes originate from one of the oldest Marvel deities and let's just say that his powers are ridiculous to say the least.
  10. I don't think they'd punish such a game because you have several games that follow that formula but it's how would you make it interesting. Add to that the usual skepticism for popular superhero/anti-hero games and whichever studio takes this on will definitely have an uphill battle on their hands.
  11. You have a valid point there - so many tryhards but it's fun when the rest of the lobby gang up on these people and we all hunt them down. I pride myself in being a professional tryhard and griefer hunter. If they're online, I'm already on their case and they don't even know it...
  12. Half Life 3 is like praying that you'll see a unicorn in this lifetime - It'll never happen...
  13. I also wonder if they'll allow modding support for this game like they did with Arc Evolved.
  14. I totally agree with your point there. I'm trying to remember a game that also came out in the last year that faded quickly just like this but I can't quite remember the name...I'll go look it up.
  15. I have to agree with you there and I do know who Dbrand is because they're one of the biggest phone case/skin manufacturers around but this is stupid. For one, the PS5's original faceplates are designed like that to dissipate heat. If Dbrand doesn't replicate that design to perfection and it leads to any damaged PS5s, they can be sued by both the individuals affected and Sony.
  16. We also need to remind people that KFC has done things like this in the past for promotional purposes and never released the actual items. If my memory serves me right, back in the days they promised to release a DVD player(or was it another console?) and got all the hype and promotion and turns around and says it was just for promotion. KFC are shameless when it comes to advertising.
  17. Rocket League, MGS V, GTA Online and RDR 2
  18. This is what I've said in a couple of similar threads about the issue. If the scalpers didn't have a market, they wouldn't be able to see PS5s and other items at such ridiculous prices as there's no buyer. On the other hand, the scalper themselves are the reason why we have some significant price increases on very basic and vital items as well which is very scummy imo. Retailers like Walmart are starting to combat the bots but we need more retailers onboard to shut them down or weaken their operations significantly.
  19. Deus Ex - Human Revolution and Mankind Divided shows what happens when Humans encounter a few who don't look like the others - the majority discriminate against them and perform all kinds of evil acts against them. Then the discriminated people start fighting back and suddenly they're being labelled as "terrorist" which were a product of their environment. This leads to a "civil war". I've seen so many examples of this throughout my lifetime and have experienced this a few times myself so I can completely relate.
  20. How'd I forget about this?! It's probably because I don't Fallout 3 nearly as much as Fallout 4.
  21. The Manhunt I can definitely agree with. Hitman Contracts had very little blood and Max Payne falls into that category as well.
  22. Quiet's death in MGS V. I'm not going to lie - I nearly cried. If you understood the situation with Quiets condition, you'd understand why it was so moving.
  23. My other Candidate has to be Quiet's death in MGS:V
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