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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I can name quite a few - Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas. If anymore comes along I'll add them to my list....
  2. Another one of the Jamaican Christmas Specials: The Sorrel Drink. In addition to being delicious, it also has a lot of healing properties such as building the blood.
  3. When Samuels died in Alien Isolation. He was the most sensible one who thought that the only way to kill the aliens on board the vessel was to nuke it with everybody onboard protecting the universe from that Alien bastard. But no, your character (Amanda Ripley) has to play "hero" trying to save a bunch of degenerates that later got killed by the Aliens anyways or were killed by the main character or one of the working joes. The worse part is, you ended up having to nuke the whole vessel in the end...
  4. The first time Ripley encountered the Alien, I was literally hiding under the table with her lol
  5. Tetris isn't that bad - I've seen way worse...like Spyro.
  6. I mean it depends on the character themselves. For instance, I always liked Dante from Devil May Cry. Yes, He's the hero but he does have a bit of edginess and risk-taking to him which appeals to me.
  7. Same here. In games like Alien Isolation, I never pass up a save point because you never know what's lurking around every corner. I've beaten the game multiple times but I'm still petrified of what's around the corner.
  8. Alien Isolation of course is by far the more scary one. I'm hardly afraid in Dead Space games but in Alien Isolation, I hide everywhere lol. I also crouch constantly so as not to alert any Aliens.
  9. Alien Isolation: The iconic scene that always gets me every time.
  10. It's the investors suing them though and not so much a random player so it'll have more weight in court and depending on the outcome of this case, there are potentially more on the way.
  11. I had backed up my save file anyways but now that it's fixed, I can continue crafting away!
  12. Unless every phone manufacturer built their phones to one specific configuration, then this issue will remain but then it'd essentially be like Apple - just boring. Personally, I love the personal touches of all the Android manufacturers on their devices. It means that Android will always come with something new...
  13. Yeah I've noticed that as well especially in recent years like how they added widgets which have been on Android for close to a decade.
  14. The thing is that the advantages that both phones may have over the others is miniscule but the drawbacks are way worse than regular phones. Unless you are really a hardcore mobile gamer, it doesn't make sense getting any of these devices.
  15. You have a valid point there but we'll see. Who knows? maybe we will get smartwatches with hologram projections that'll replace our smartphones or something like that.
  16. Just another update, it seems that this year's version of the Samsung phones might not have any MicroSD. If that's the case, I'm not even thinking of getting one and will just go for the Note 20 Ultra instead or S20 Ultra.
  17. From the article, it seems that Microsoft and Apple must have worked out some kind of agreement and it's slated to appear on IOS in 2021. How excited are you about this news? Sources: https://www.polygon.com/2020/12/9/22165385/xbox-game-pass-apple-ios-release-date
  18. Not all of them look that ugly! I'm sorry but your comment absolutely cracked me up. I also know of the practice of some people feeding their pitbull Marijuana tea or steroids to make their dogs extra vicious which is extremely cruel to the animal in my opinion. By the the way, Your pitbull is gorgeous!
  19. Also remember that rats can go pretty much anywhere because they can contort their body to fit in incredibly small spaces. Imagine opening the medicine cabinet and there's one of your rats chill in there lol. I find it fascinating that no matter the species of animal, you can always tell which one's which by their personality and behavior even if they all look alike. The amount of info @The Blackangel put into this article is fascinating. This is typically what happens when you spend a significant amount of time with your pets.
  20. I think that article was an April fools joke - in October...The author must be a troll or trying to gain some attention because in no way, shape or form is that a serious article. Most gamers today never even had an Atari console - that includes me and I hardly played any Atari games other then Dragon Ball Z games. The Atari console's main audience is gamers who are older than me.
  21. I'm an everything except Xbox guy. The Xbox is just a less powerful PC - every game is available either on PC directly or you can play it via the Xpass gaming cloud so I don't need it at all.
  22. I'm planning on getting one, I just have to get my hands on a brand new graphics card and a 5950x and build a new gaming desktop. Then I'll go get that...
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