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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Hey VGR community, what's your take on restricting mobile phones in certain areas? Are there places where their use should be barred? Let's discuss the pros and cons. Share your thoughts on potential locations and reasons for implementing such restrictions.
  2. Let's settle it once and for all: which game engine steals the spotlight? From Unreal Engine's breathtaking visuals to Unity's accessibility, and CryEngine's realism, which one gets your vote and why?
  3. Hey All! Let's talk technology and ethics. Share a technology-related ethical dilemma that has kept you up at night. From data privacy concerns to AI's impact on jobs, there's no shortage of complex issues. What solution do you propose to these issues? Let's engage in some thought-provoking discussions.
  4. How can technology be harnessed to combat global challenges? Whether it's climate change, poverty, or healthcare, share your insights on innovative solutions and advancements that could make a real difference.
  5. What's the most exciting future technological advancement you're eagerly anticipating? Whether it's quantum computing, advanced AI, or something straight out of sci-fi, share your thoughts!
  6. Hey Everyone. We often hear about the perks of modern technology, but what about the downsides? In what way has technology negatively impacted your lives?
  7. What's that one line from the lyrics of a song that never fails to hit you right in the feels or make you groove uncontrollably? Share your favorite line from any song.
  8. Hey everyone, let's dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately. With the rise of streaming services and podcasts, do you believe that traditional radio stations are on the brink of extinction? Share your thoughts on whether radio will eventually fade into the background or if it will find new ways to adapt and thrive in the digital age.
  9. Can you name some songs in Spanish that you absolutely love? Whether it's Reggaeton, Salsa, or romantic ballads, share your favorites below.
  10. Hey everyone! I'm curious about something: When it comes to music, do you prefer listening to songs in English or in your native language? What's your reasoning behind your preference?
  11. We all have that one trendy gift item that everyone seems to go crazy for, but we just can't wrap our heads around the hype. Whether it's a gadget, a fashion item, or something else entirely, what's that one popular gift that leaves you scratching your head?
  12. What do you think is the ideal length of a movie? Is there a point where a movie becomes too long? Share your thoughts and let's unravel the mystery of movie runtime.
  13. Hey everyone! I've always loved animated movies, but I've heard some folks say they're just for kids. What do you think? Do you enjoy animated films regardless of age, or do you think they're primarily aimed at children? Let's discuss down below.
  14. When it comes to movie night, do you lean towards the timeless charm of old classics or the thrill of the latest blockbusters? Share your preference and why below.
  15. What scene from a film has left an indelible mark on your memory? Whether it's a heart-wrenching moment, a jaw-dropping twist, or a scene that just won't leave your mind long after the credits rolled.
  16. Have you ever stumbled upon a film so bad that it actually became a guilty pleasure? Share your favorite "so bad it's good" movie experiences! Whether it's cheesy dialogue, ridiculous plots, or hilariously bad acting, let's hear about those hidden gems that somehow managed to charm us despite their flaws.
  17. Armored Core 6 in a tag-team battle. Me and my friend from Japan won every match. It's ironic that our mech builds compliment each other so well.
  18. This was from an anime movie in the 90s and it still stands up to today's anime's in terms of graphical detail and choreography
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