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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Aaliyah's Rock the boat also falls into this category as well.
  2. I'm with you on that/ I always felt like their ecosystem always held them back and repairing the devices are such a hassle. lol funny enough I wrote the first comment and saw this but I totally agree with you.
  3. The new Medal Of Honor VR game will allow you to perform various actions like pull a grenade pin with your teeth among other things. It's not out yet but I'd keep any eye out for it(I normally don't hype up EA games but from what I've seen, it's pretty awesome).
  4. I understand what you're saying and you're right. However, the cash cows in the mobile gaming industry don't get called out nearly as often as the ones on PC or consoles. besides that, the cash cows on the mobile platform will spend up to $150,000 on a single game. We even had a thread about this a year back.
  5. I agree that Ipads are extremely powerful but their actual limitation is the Apple ecosystem so your limited in what you can do with it. Samsung Galaxy Tabs are also pretty powerful tablets and I may get myself one in the near future because I'd like to use it for emulation among other things.
  6. I'm sorry but PlayStation all the way. I mean, the Xbox Series X doesn't have any exclusives and is being outperformed by the current PS5. I might have some issues with some of Sony's dealings in recent years but if I'm getting a next gen console, it's going to be a PS5.
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