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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yeah, they have meetings with AMD and Intel before manufacturing their laptops and if they don't have any new releases by a certain deadline, they'll either choose to wait or forgo that chip for a previous generation.
  2. Yeah you have a point but I was talking about overhauling their approach because they're now behind Apple and Ryzen in terms of processor performance and that gap is going to widen when AMD releases the 6000 CPUs and Apple the M1X - both will be massive upgrades on their predecessors in terms of performance. In addition to that, Intel throwing shade Apple is only hurting their brand even more.
  3. I'm not going to lie, I do like what I've seen so far and I probably should visit it once we're allowed to travel again. What do you guys think of this?
  4. I have a refugee friend from Haiti and he had to go through the same thing. It's a pretty tough experience and he barely spoke any English when I first met him so I had to help him out.
  5. Some of the more recent Mortal Kombat games are guilty of this as well.
  6. I hate the part where you have to relearn which abilities work best against which enemies and what moves to combo together to deal massive amounts of damage. I was re-playing Final Fantasy tactics on an emulator and that's the first thing that really got on my nerves.
  7. I knew Mortal Kombat Annihilation was number one but I wasn't aware there was a Mario movie. I know it's terrible but how comes I didn't know about it?
  8. You do have a point and Nintendo does sell some pretty overpriced merchandise from time to time and people do still tend to buy them.
  9. I remember when they Everquest thing was revealed a few years back - what I don't get is why spend so much money on a gaming item. I mean their are far better ways to put your money to good use - even on the black market.
  10. It's true though - he always makes these outlandish promises and hardly delivers. I just think it's best for Bethesda's image going forward to hire someone with more integrity. I wonder if they'll come up with any new series for the Microsoft platform?
  11. Presents are items received without any expectation of anything in return which these Pokemon Eggs aren't. I've always said that gaming media seems to defend certain companies all the time because they have something to gain from it. I can't disagree because Schreier and Kotaku are always shilling for major companies for a good while now. Certain companies like Nintendo hardly face any criticism on their platforms while lesser companies are the constant target of their articles.
  12. It's funny because if I'm not mistaken, this is the third or fourth year in a row they've done something like this and I always question why they aren't facing any sort of repercussions but they I remember that employees in the gaming industry aren't unionized so they can be easily exploited and tossed aside without any consequences.
  13. It's true - I know plenty of people who've tried to be streamers and they ended up suffering burnout to the point they started hating games.
  14. I agree because I have the base game and every other month I always get a notification that another DLC is coming out. This is a fact. Star Citizen is at $350 Billion at the time of writing and they're no closer to releasing that pyramid scheme of a game. Star Citizen has to be one of the longest running scams ever.
  15. Final Fantasy Record Keeper & Skyrim SE
  16. It'll take him at least 18 months before he can get back to anywhere near his normal level so don't expect to see him for the rest of this season or early next season for that matter.
  17. I think Ligue 1 is really interesting this year because PSG is currently in 2nd place and aren't as invincible as in recent seasons. Serie A is very competitive as well because Juventus are currently struggling and the there are 3 or 4 other teams competing for the title although Inter is ahead by about 8 or 9 points.
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