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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yeah! The first game was pretty dope to be honest. I vaguely remember playing it
  2. That definitely sounds awesome! Honestly, I don't fancy Battle-Royale games much especially nowadays where every developer is making Battle-Royale games for the heck of it.
  3. My friend says he remembers someone telling him to do it and he passed that advice to me. It's a good thing I don't just follow what people say...
  4. To be fair, I have been checking out the leaks over the past few weeks and I can't wait to get my hand on it!
  5. Listen lol. If I showed my face, you'd all think I must have found the fountain of Youth. I look nowhere near my age (without my beard, I'd look even younger). As for the sexiest member, you don't want me to do that...
  6. Unfortunately, we won't get to that point any time soon. There's always a well-off man tricking his money on females.
  7. That's true. They did lock down my country for a couple of months but then the government said we can't survive so they opened back the ports again. Needless to say, it's the primary reason our Covid cases started increasing and most of those people are from the US and UK.
  8. I've never played Hell let Loose before (at least, not that I can remember). What kind of game is it?
  9. It's kind of a dual-edge sword because keeping people in that safe space forever doesn't allow you to grow as a person. Every one has to go through their trials in life and learning to overcome this trauma will help you develop as a human being. As I said, it's a case by case basis but it's an avenue that can be explored.
  10. I agree that these battle royale games are absolutely garbage but nothing tops Spyro for me. He has to be the most goofy, powerless dragon I've ever seen in any form of media.
  11. Don't forget the glitches as well and the extremely repetitive game they'd try to call "innovative"...
  12. You know something - now that I've thought about it . I've never really been a big fan of hunting games. The only hunting game that I have played in recent times is Monster Hunter World and monster hunts are pretty fun to be fair.
  13. You know what about PS1 and PS2 games. If the CD has any kind of major scratch, you'd have to get a brand new copy of the game. I remember one of my friends suggesting that I pour rubbing alcohol on the PS1 lens so that the scratched CD would work. Me being the skeptic asked my friend to demonstrate this with his PS1. Needless to say, he lost a PS1 that day and till this day, we always laugh about it.
  14. I'm sure this has happened to some of us before. We just got home and getting ready to prepare something when you realize that, you didn't buy any groceries and the supermarket is locked and most fast food places are also locked and we're too hungry to go to bed. What kind of meal did you prepare? Was it edible?
  15. I mean we have two providers in my country but half the time, one of them is always down at some point in the day. The other one is a bit more expensive but they're far more reliable though.
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