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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. His House - 9/10 - Damn, it's not your traditional horror movie but the images of all the people these refugees lost and how many lives were sacrificed. Especially the ending! One of the most creative movies I've seen in a good minute.
  2. Funny enough, the Ryzen PC Handheld I discussed earlier is gaining a lot of popularity and is projected to sell really well. We need more competition in the handheld space that Nintendo has had an iron grip on for so long.
  3. I think I'd say the Matrix Trilogy, The Mortal Kombat movies, and Jason Bourne films. There's also the Scary Movie series, Jason, and Rambo movies as well - you can't forget those.
  4. killamch89

    Hardbass music?

    I learned that the hard way trying to play Mike Jones Still Tippin on an old sound system I had and it ended up costing me hundreds of dollars.
  5. I'm not really sure to be honest and the thing with e-sports teams is that they're constantly always changing members or their team names so It's difficult to say.
  6. I'd pay to see this! This would be funnier than most of the crap they call comedy nowadays. Just imagine, seeing these people trying to be all sneaky with installing cheats and trash talking each other - this should really be promoted.
  7. Highly unlikely - Yes, in the current climate, sporting activities are being hindered but it won't stay this way for long because real sports has way more sponsorship behind it so E-sports will never replace it. At least, not in the near future.
  8. My sentiments exactly and here they go again bringing up Halo Infinite. Why don't they just shut up about it until it's ready for the public?
  9. killamch89

    Devil May Cry?

    The new Xbox Series S is backwards compatible so you should be able to play DMC4 and others on the new Xbox consoles.
  10. Not really - PlayStation focuses its energy on gaming and making the most of those experiences and that is why they currently are the industry leaders in the console industry. Xbox is always trying to be a media hub instead of focusing on gaming and the quality of their services suffer as a result.
  11. It looks like a mini fridge - there I said it. I'd probably have to make sure I don't keep it anywhere near any drinks or I might find myself trying to use to cool them lol.
  12. Halo, Mech Assault, Splinter Cell and Fable are my original favorites from the first Xbox. It's a pity that they haven't resurrected the Mech Assault franchise because it was a very solid multiplayer game.
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