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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. So you planning on getting a Thrustmaster or another Logitech racing wheel?
  2. This mission was one of the most epic moments I've seen in a video game where he's literally climbing his way into a plane at such an incredible height.
  3. When everyone found out that V was in fact Vergil, it was a shocker to say the least but it also made sense.
  4. Are you able to get massages? Or at least seats that can massage a part of your body?
  5. I don't know, if it's only a 4k screen and a couple of minor upgrades, I might just get the previous Nintendo Switch but we'll see. Personally, I just want to get into Smash Ultimate and some Mario Kart.
  6. Eventually, we'll get to that point but not right now. I'd say in 15-20 years when the technology has massively improved, it'll get integrated into many more games and will be an unparalleled way to offer an immersive experience.
  7. I kind of disagree in regards to the Madden or NBA games, those games are atrocious with lots of issues but the Need For Speed games are more consistent in terms of good quality. That being said. I've never really gotten into No Man's Sky so I can't say much about it.
  8. That's a very valid point and I totally agree that the cliche of a hero saving the princess is an overused formula and that's why the newer generation doesn't find it appealing. I have grown to love games that offer you some element of freedom as to how you want to approach the game and not just one extremely linear approach.
  9. I kind of disagree - there were some things they did well but Kane is referring to more of an action-based game which will take a lot of proper execution.
  10. I used to read GI Joe Comics back in the day as well and I'm currently reading a book called Battlefield of the Mind. I tend to read a lot more self-improvement books nowadays but I don't mind checking out some fictional titles as well so I'll check out Malazan.
  11. Nope - this year is going to be a massive L for gaming with the price of consoles and GPUs through the roof, the gaming industry is mainly going to flop this year. In addition to that, not many titles seem that appealing except the usual like RE8 and a few others - it's not looking like anything to be excited about.
  12. Actually the controls in recent RE games are pretty smooth and responsive. It's just how terrifying the game is that keeps me from just jumping back into it immediately - I have to mentally prep myself. In addition to that, the family of zombies are some pretty tough enemies and ammo is scarce so running away is the option most of the time.
  13. It's mainly the black bears I'm talking but earlier in the game grizzlies gave me a challenge as well.
  14. Like the items that Fallout 76 gave to those that pre-ordered except the items were cheaply made and were shipped after months of backlash...In my opinion, it's just not worth it nowadays. It's like playing russian roulette when pre-ordering AAA games and praying they actually deliver.
  15. I do remember you told us of your obsession with trophies when you were younger and many gamers like different aspects of games so I can't knock it because I was like that once.
  16. Based on the post, it seems that Bethesda will remain mostly autonomous while Xbox will support them from the sidelines. How do you guys feel about this?
  17. Trust me - this is why I don't plan on hosting parties because it usually gets out of hand especially during a house party and with alcohol involved it really gets out of hand. I remember going to one in my early 20's and it ended up with two guys having a shootout in the living room of an acquaintances house. It's a good thing that I was near the front door because I got out of there and jumped on my bike and took off. I later heard nobody got injured during the exchange (which is awesome) but it always reinforces my point of not holding any house parties.
  18. I do have a gaming laptop but it depends on what you do with it. For instance, in addition to gaming, I do edit videos and some graphic design and whiteboard animation work. Laptops are very portable but the downside is that they're expensive to fix and you typically can't do it yourself unless you're a pro at it.
  19. You don't have to play a massive multitude of games to be considered a gamer and it also doesn't have to modern games either. You like what you like so feel free to share with the rest of us. I and others who are older grew up on some of those same games so I don't mind talking about them and I do have some emulators on my laptop so it enables to play then when I'm in the mood.
  20. To be honest. I've always been into Marvel/DC comics as well as The Phantom. In terms of books, I used to have lots of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books because I loved to watch how they unraveled every mystery and also to see how much they had grown by the end of the books.
  21. I remember Google acquiring this smartglass company and then shutting them down and I wondered why they never made use of the technology. It was so ahead of it's time!
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