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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. For me it's this one - Breaking Benjamin - So Cold. I just remember having it on in the background while playing GTA Vice City in 2004 - Good times!
  2. Veronica (2017) - 8.5/10
  3. When Sung Jin Woo Arise Igris. I love the Speech - it's too bad that Season one ended right here.
  4. Tried to get to rank FUJIN in Tekken but it's so hard lol. These people are real sweats - I swear. I just can't get out of Flame Ruler at the moment. One minute I'm near to getting promoted to Battle ruler, the next couple of games later, I'm close to being demoted to Mighty Ruler.
  5. My cell phone is normally on my wireless charger at nights so I always know where to find it.
  6. What's your favorite brand of Apple juice. Personally, mine is Welch's.
  7. I see your point. Have you tried getting some ear muffs for sleeping? I know of a friend who always swears by them.
  8. I don't know - these things take lots of work to maintain. You'll come to despise it if you're not willing to put the work in to keep your hair manageable.
  9. That's true - you don't have anything to be concerning yourself about - you can just lounge around and do anything you want. I love that feeling!
  10. You know, I'm trying to be slightly optimistic with this one but all I keep remembering is Metal Gear Survive. I mean, they did release a good Contra game in Operation: Galuga which is probably their first one in years. There's a huge part of me that this will flop spectacularly as well.
  11. How many years ago was that? That sounds like a while back like in 2000s.
  12. I used to play Megaman Battle Network a lot on the GBA and my friends at the time just weren't interested in it. It's a pity because it was the perfect multiplayer game.
  13. I'm not sure if he is but he's an idiot with lots of money.
  14. 30?! - That's probably way more than I've had in my entire life as a gamer. How do you manage to keep track of them all?
  15. Same here - the only place I can stay where I'm comfortable outside of my place is my mother's house and that's because I still have my own area of the house there.
  16. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  17. How long were you a teacher for? I'm not sure I could ever be a high school teacher because I was such a nuisance in high school. I can't imagine running into someone like me lol.
  18. I can also do without pizza but it's just that It's convenient to get when I don't feel like cooking anything and want to order some food. An extra large pizza can last me two or three days.
  19. I also watch a lot of football but it's the top 5 leagues I mainly watch but none is more entertaining than the Premier League.
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