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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I also need to add the Blair Witch project(original) to my list as well...
  2. Original Nintendo Sega Genesis SNES Gameboy PS1 N64 Sega Dreamcast PS2 Xbox Gameboy color Gameboy Advance Nintendo Gamecube PS3 Xbox 360 Xbox one Nintendo DS XL Nintendo WII PSP
  3. It gives us ideas on how to prepare when somebody in a lab screws up and releases some kind of zombie virus, we have an idea of what to kill them with. That's a difficult one to answer because I've played so many great ones over the years. I'd have to say Crash Bandicoot the original game. When I got it, I thought the game would just be another Spyro(the series that I hate the most) but it's one of those games that made me crack up throughout the entire game. The gameplay was pretty good as well.
  4. Crazy Best: Yu Yu Hakusho Worst: God of High School Expecting comedians to be role models - From medieval times, the jester said all manner of crap imaginable and he would never be executed by the king or taken seriously.
  5. Rum & Raisin, Cookie & Cream, Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate - just about every Ice cream flavor I like. The only way you couldn't like ice cream is if you're lactose intolerant or one of those vegan extremist who'd claim we might as well eat beef since we like dairy products. Curse you people for bringing this up because now I want some ice cream and I can't get a tub until tomorrow -_-. Ice cream is a universal item - it's the only item that if you don't like it, everyone thinks you're some kind of whack job (which you probably are lol).
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