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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Two of the most popular artists out of Africa in the last few years - if I'm being honest I do like both for different reasons and I can't really pick one. As a matter of fact, their best performance imo was both of them performing together at Davido's 30 Billion Concert 3 years ago.
  2. I wasn't even really highlighting just the sound - it's the fact that she was lip syncing multiple times throughout her performance that really ruined it for me.
  3. I agree - I only learned that the lawnmower man & running man movies didn't have anything in common with the original books last year when I was looking up another book written by Stephen King.
  4. I as talking impactful moments in terms of the scenes in-game but that'd upset me as well. I've experienced plenty of that playing AOE online.
  5. MK 11, Fallout 4 & NFS: Heat
  6. I totally agree and this highlights the positive impact of gaming which the media will ignore for the most part. They always want to focus on the death threats from the toxic minority of the gaming community but don't seem too keen to highlight the positive impact of gaming.
  7. Some lawsuits are essential because companies like Google keep making these unrealistic promises and failing to deliver on any of them. They should be sued. Have you seen the amount of projects Google has launched in the last 10 years and most of them are currently shut down? The figure is quite staggering to be honest.
  8. I used to play both Neverwinter and Star Trek Online and those games quickly became Pay 2 Win so their track record is off to a dodgy start. Second, the games were so flipping repetitive that I eventually got bored of it so not much confidence there either. Alien: Colonial Marines was such a letdown and that's probably why I'm not entirely getting so hyped up for this game. We need to see more in-game footage before I can take it seriously. If this was more like Alien: Isolation but in multi-player format, I'd probably be a bit more excited but we'll see.
  9. Final Fantasy's timeline really doesn't make any sense and most of the sequels have no real connection to each other. In Final Fantasy 8, there isn't any mention of anything regarding the events of FF7.
  10. Wow! That really sucks but I understand how you feel because I've had the same thing happen to me in numerous games throughout my time as a gamer. The effort and work it will take to get back to that point is going to be draining. Then again, you can try a different approach to how you play the game in this new playthrough. This makes me scared to go play it right now because I was planning on playing it on Monday but now...Yeah, I'm going to look into this before I do anything else.
  11. G2A and Eneba are platforms I'd recommend staying far away from as they tend to sell keys that are bought with stolen credit cards/debit cards. CDkeys is a good one as they buy the keys from the retailers and resell it at a lower price - it's the only one I can swear by. Otherwise, you can go with GOG, Steam, Epic, Ubisoft, Origin and others.
  12. I have to agree - I mean I don't want to be the good guy all the time or the bad guy either. I usually like to be the chaotic good character or one that serves the grater good so I may have to sacrifice a few people here and there. Being the bad guy is pretty easy as you really don't have to care about anything as long as you can survive and being the good guy is boring because you always have to do the right thing which is challenging but I don't want to always do the right thing.
  13. Does she teabag her opponents when she kills them or serve them tea like my grandma used to do? 😹😹
  14. Yeah, there were idiots on Twitter saying they've done something similar and we're cold hearted for calling her dumb. They also tried to claim racism because she is black - the issue here is I'm black and what she did isn't a normal practice for any race. This is one of the main reasons I don't really hang out on Twitter - it's full of idiots.
  15. Fall Guys has lost all its hype by now. Sure the game has a bit of potential but once you play a couple of games, you realize how repetitive it really is.
  16. The problem is that they are out of touch with what their audience wants and is just doing what they want at this point which can only end badly for them. I can't imagine Square Enix ever getting another superhero video game to publish
  17. But they said the same thing about Fifa every year and Messi and Ronaldo usually stay fit so these urban legends have no credence whatsoever. I wondered how these even came about in the first place?
  18. Go for the director's cut because it has everything - all the extra content and it's more polished.
  19. Max Payne 3 was pretty chaotic - I'm not going to lie. The gameplay itself was decent but the story was just all over the place - the narrative just felt kind of "forced".
  20. In terms of human revolution the regular edition is the original game which had a few hiccups. The augmented edition was basically a few new weapons and a bit of extra content and the director's cut was the game rebuilt from the ground up to be more polished in every way as well as include every dlc.
  21. I heard most gaming companies are abandoning E3 this year due to the ridiculous fees they are charging publishers. The part that gets me is why did they think they could hold a physical event when Covid is still running rampant. It was always going to be difficult to plan.
  22. So true - especially in Dark Souls games. You can't take anything for granted in Dark Souls title - nothing at all. Ouch! Yeah we've all screwed up our saves like that at some point. Don't worry - it's a more common occurrence than you even realize lol
  23. Deus Ex has 4 games: the original, Invisible War, Human Revolution, and Mankind Divided. I don't remember what consoles they were on but all of these games are available for the PC. Human Revolution is when the bionic implants were somewhat of an experimental technology and was stigmatized by regular citizens so people who possessed them were discriminated against. Mankind Divided is when the people with bionic implants started to fight back and there was a literal civil war.
  24. Yeah, Stephen King has been involved in quite a few games - I know that much. The Dark Half is the first that really comes to mind - as a matter of fact, it's the only one I remember directly based on one of his books rather than a movie adaptation. The Lawnmower man and the Running man games were more based on the movies and the movies didn't have much in common with the original book of the same name.
  25. I'd say they're more likely to make a new Alan Wake because the story doesn't seem quite complete after the ending of the previous game. Max Payne's story is finished in part 3 and the character has moved on with his life so it's unlikely that they'll make another one unless it's with new characters. Control had potential but was a very barebones kind of experience and the gaming community was really divisive about it so I'm not sure about a sequel - at least not yet.
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