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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. My second favorite release of the Armored Core series.
  2. If I remember correctly, about 2-3 hours. I mean GTA V took me about 6 hours to download and the game was 60 GB (it's way larger now with the added DLCs since).
  3. Yeah, it was pretty rough. I totally understand what you're going through because those who've never experienced that kind of suffering or have to endure it for a prolonged period in their lives would think that you can "bear" the pain when there's no fix for it. The one positive from it is that it made me much tougher and stronger mentally.
  4. I can sing (my parents were both musicians) and dancing came second nature to me but I only do them when I'm in the mood...
  5. lol. So true. Social Media has really made me lose faith in humanity. You have people eating their own poo just to go viral. I'm telling you that if aliens were trying to ascertain that intelligent life exists on this planet and came across social media, they'd rank us below all the wild animals in terms of intelligence.
  6. It's actually been around for some time now. I'm not sure when they implemented it but I did see this a while back...
  7. One factor is that almost every Marvel game ever produced is produced by different companies so you'll have varying degrees of success.
  8. Personally, I don't but I do have a friend that loves to use inverted y-axis and he swears by it.
  9. Alien: Isolation. When you first make your way onto the ship, you'll quickly realize that something very sinister is lurking even before encountering a single Alien. What I also like about the game is how much it leaves you on the edge of your seat.
  10. I meant random in a good way, these are just disgusting and unoriginal. I mean, I've seen monkeys throw their poo at people while at the zoo already
  11. Well, you'll feel right at home. One thing to keep in mind is that your settlements will come under attack from time to time and if they're not secured properly, you'll have a lot of cleaning up to do.
  12. You remember how years ago I told that I nearly died from an unknown disease. I was more or less referring to my health deteriorating and the effects it had on my body. Every time my heart was beating, it felt like it'd stop at any second. Just trying to breath was quite a chore, it felt like I had needles in my lungs. Trying to move from one side of my living room to the other took every ounce of willpower. If I could describe the whole experience, being in my own body felt like hell.
  13. The PS1 also brought us the beloved Crash Bandicoot, the most random videogame character I've ever known. Seriously, how do you explain Crash Bandicoot to someone and why most of us liked it?
  14. I'm on the lookout for a sale and then I'll come join the party...
  15. You're not the only one that forgot about its release. I'm not so excited about COD games nowadays because they take up so much space! Modern Warfare was like 250 GB - I can't imagine how much space this is going to take up. The graphics is amazing and the story doesn't seem half bad from the videos I've watched.
  16. I just can't ignore the settlement building though as I can establish my own military might. I can channel my inner Napoleon...
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