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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Same here - the Premier League is interesting. Even the relegation teams have a lot of fight in them.
  2. That's another one to be fair. Also the house keys because you don't want to sleep outside obviously.
  3. I was also good at the sciences but over the years, after leaving college, I started gravitating towards science.
  4. I mean, you could be checking if you have anything in your hair. I do it a few times a day because I have a mini-afro and stuff does tend to get caught in my hair.
  5. I think it's one or two times I've cried when someone close to me died. Outside of that, I find it hard to cry as well. Most of the time, I'm somewhat Stoic especially nowadays.
  6. For the first time in ages, I played some Among us with my friends and I won almost every impostor match. I was selected to be Impostor 4 times in a row! I won the first three but they voted me out first in the fourth game.
  7. Let's take a trip down memory lane together! What songs never fail to hit you with a wave of nostalgia? Those tunes that instantly transport you back to a specific moment or period in your life.
  8. What's the funniest comedy skit you've ever seen? Whether it's a classic from SNL, a hilarious stand-up routine, or something off-the-wall from the internet, share your favorites below!
  9. What's that one movie, picture, or video that guarantees a chuckle, no matter how many times you've seen it? Drop your comedic treasures below and let's spread the laughter!
  10. Let's discuss those moments when a character in a movie had all the potential to shine, but the actor just didn't fit the bill. Which character do you think could have been great with a different actor?
  11. Hiccups can be annoying, right? Let's share some wisdom! What's your ultimate hiccup cure? Whether it's holding your breath, drinking water upside down, or something totally out of the box, let's hear it!
  12. Whether it's enjoying a cup of tea at 4 PM sharp or meticulously organizing our sock drawer, we all have those "old person" tendencies that make life a little more interesting. Share yours below.
  13. Let's spin our daydream wheels: if you could witness any sitcom scenario unfold in real life, what would it be? Picture the hilarity, the mishaps, and the heartwarming moments. Would you want to see the chaos of "Friends" in your own friend group? Or perhaps the quirky workplace antics of "The Office"? Share your ultimate sitcom-turned-reality scenario and let's get the laughs rolling!
  14. Reality TV: it's like Marmite – you either love it or hate it. But where do you stand? Do you binge-watch or change the channel? And what about reality shows in your country? Are there any gems or guilty pleasures? Share your opinions! As for me - I despise it. It comes across an extreme form of degeneracy to me.
  15. Disney has given us a plethora of memorable characters over the years, each with its own charm and appeal. So, I'm curious: who's your all-time favorite Disney character and why? Whether it's a classic like Mickey Mouse or a newer addition like Moana, share your pick and tell us what makes them special to you. Can't wait to hear about everyone's favorites!
  16. Let's admit it, we've all mastered the art of wasting time in some way or another but what's your ultimate go-to method? Whether it's binge-watching shows, scrolling through memes, or something totally off the wall, share your favorite ways to procrastinate below!
  17. Describe your perfect day from start to finish. Whether it's a lazy Sunday or an adventure-packed escapade, share the details that make it special. What does your perfect day look like?
  18. We all have that one quote that hits us right in the feels or pushes us to be better. What's yours? Whether it's from a famous figure or your grandma, share the quote that resonates with you the most.
  19. Do you find yourself tearing up at the drop of a hat or are you as stoic as a statue? Share your experiences with crying – is it a rare occurrence or a regular release for you? Let's discuss our emotional thresholds and what triggers those waterworks. Whether it's a heartwarming movie, a touching story, or just a bad day, I want to know: do you cry easily?
  20. We've all got that one song that turns our shower into a personal concert hall. Whether it's belting out power ballads or dropping bars like a rap god, we wanna know: What's your go-to shower song to sing?
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