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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Haven't gotten a gaming magazine in ages. It has to be at least 6 years for me - physical copies anyways. I stopped getting digital copies in 2016 and I think it was PS magazine.
  2. What games do they have available? Also, how is their service any better than the Google Stadia and I use the Stadia as the barely passable standard.
  3. And they'll probably price it at $60 - $70 without adding anything to the content. NFS is the only series from EA I still somewhat enjoy - the rest have gone down the drain.
  4. If we the smart humans can be putting gorilla glue all over our bodies, pigs playing video games isn't so hard to believe.
  5. The UK government is already taking steps to combat this (this is a rare occurrence) and I hope other nations follow suit so that we can stamp out this immoral and disgusting practice.
  6. I don't really have an issue with it especially if the multiplayer mode is it's own game and they give us some DLC content for the single player experience. I personally wouldn't mind if they made unique DLCs only for the single-player mode and do the same for the multiplayer mode so that both modes can offer very different experiences and not be a carbon copy of each other.
  7. Mass Effect Remake and it hasn't even been released yet! I know EA and Bioware are going to screw this up pretty bad so I just thought that I should include it from now lol. Speaking of, did you guys know that EA ended Anthem earlier this month? Yeah me neither, I just saw the article today...
  8. I remember Blockbuster used to sell and rent games and I used to spend a good amount of time in there eyeing up those games lol. It was too bad that most of the games were so bloody expensive!
  9. Honestly, it really depends on the game but in most open-world games, I just love to explore. Come to think of it, I'm kinda like that in real life as well.
  10. Why am not surprised that these bunch of scammers won't take accountability for their actions. I'm not surprised one bit - I hope they can't sell anymore PS5 so they end up in debt. I hope the laws that the UK are putting in place to handle scalping will become a widespread thing. Just the other day, I saw an article about a pair of Jordans on eBay going for $1m - these people are disgusting.
  11. I've been seeing plenty of reports about this since the PS5 release so it isn't that surprising to me. The fact those controllers cost $70 to replace and the console is only a few months old and I believe they should be sued. What are your thoughts on this?
  12. You have to be super careful nowadays. Otherwise, you may find yourself being a victim of identity theft...
  13. I'm considering getting myself a Logitech G920 or a Thrustmaster (it's an actual brand name you perverts) steering wheel with the gear stick and three pedals. I'm not sure what kind of racing chair I'm going to get myself though.
  14. Nintendo never really surprised me with what they have done and what they continue to do even in present time. I'm just waiting for their karma moment...
  15. Japan's arcades are pretty wild if I'm being honest. Their arcades are so awesome! I do hope they don't shut down and it's really no surprise that they ended up in this predicament because they actually need people who are physically present to make any earnings.
  16. Wait! E3 still existed?! I thought that crappy excuse for a gaming convention (modern E3 that is) was done. All the do is show game trailers with hardly any gameplay and make false statements. It reminds me of those get rich quick ads you see all over the place...
  17. Probably not because they have their money in the politician's pockets so not likely to happen. I get what they're saying about the EU but I agree with you in regards to this situation. The EU is cracking down on a lot of the bigger companies and wish more countries in the West would follow their example. Tech companies have been ripping us consumers off for ages so this is a good thing to see.
  18. Update guys, the source code was already sold so yeah....can't think of anything more Cyberpunk than that...
  19. So you've been stalking us for almost 2 years?! 😳. Jk man, welcome to VGR!
  20. I totally agree. I am quite liking this - it really shows you that humanity still exists in some people.
  21. Fallout 4 was pretty bad when it was just released but with the help of the modding community, it turned into a great game. Cyberpunk has plenty of potential so they should be able to turn it around with the community mods. I'd say this is a good move on CDPR's part although I shouldn't speak so soon because I'm not sure how complicated their creation kit is.
  22. Agent 47 is a really likeable character and he does have a way with words. I mean, he's telling you that he's going to murder you but somehow you never realize until it's too late lol.
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