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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I used to play Football Superstars but that game closed in February. Other than that, I can't think of anymore browser games that I've played recently.
  2. Monster Hunter games have a very steep learning curve but if you stick with it, you'll get it eventually. With Monster Hunter, it's best to approach most hunts with no expectations because most times, things never really go according to plan.
  3. Linkin Park will always be a personal favorite of mine. I also like Nickelback, 50 cent, Eminem, Common
  4. It's kinda like the Zen architecture for AMD. They just got around to addressing the issue with the new set of CPUs they're going to release.
  5. I'm totally with you on this one. I hate pre-made character or being limited a set number of presets. I love my characters to have that unique touch which gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment. It also makes me feel more of a personal connection to the character as well. Fifa used to have a feature of taking a picture of yourself and uploading but EA being the crappy company they are, did away with it.
  6. I'm going to come right and say it - Assassin's Creed. Now here me out, from its inception to the most modern titles, the core mechanics haven't changed much(while not a bad thing, it gets pretty repetitive after a while). It's basically become a copy and paste of the previous versions with only minor improvements. The story also becomes more lackluster with every release.
  7. I always prefer open world games because I get to explore and I'm naturally an adventurous/curious person so I'll cover every corner of the worldspace to ensure I don't miss anything.
  8. Also to add - dynamic in-game events that are unique could add to the experience. I wished there would be a game where the antagonist(the Ai) plans random but well orchestrated schemes to take over the worldspace.
  9. Well said! In addition to that, I can recommend a few because I've researched this kind of stuff myself since I'm going into 3-d animation. I already do whiteboard/2-d animations but 3-d animation was always my goal.
  10. What are some of the funniest videos you've watched that are based on video games. For me, it's the Among us but with Anime finishes series by Landonardo. I can't help but crack up even when I re-watch them multiple times. What about you guys?
  11. Still mainly my parents and maybe a couple women I've hung around but they're not aware of the changing times. In conclusion, it's most of the older generation I hear utter this stuff.
  12. I'd suggest modding Skyrim although it's a steep learning curve for beginners and even for people like who have been doing it for ages still mess up at times. The one upside is there are plenty of tutorials on how to get started and you can create your own unique experience with Modded Skyrim or Fallout 4.
  13. I have a very expansive imagination so I'd create stuff like the scouter from Dragon ball
  14. I'd have to disagree. I have Intel 9000 series gaming laptop and it gets ridiculously hot to the point of throttling even with a cooling pad. At this point, I'm looking to sell it when the next set of Ryzen laptops launch.
  15. They'll also be stuck on the 14nm architecture for a few more years at least while Ryzen will move to the 5nm architecture next year so AMD processors will become even more powerful and efficient. I'd like Intel to provide some competition though as it'll keep prices low and accelerate the progress of cpu technology.
  16. Steam for me definitely. To be honest, I don't even use Origin that much and the only EA game I currently play is NFS heat which is quite a great game.
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