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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I vaguely member getting lost at Disney World when I was 10 years old. I don't really remember it that well but it was the Disney staff that helped me find my mother at the time.
  2. I also buy games from sites like SCDkey.com because they tend to have sales on brand new or recently released games and older games released a couple years back. I replay Skyrim and Fallout 4 a lot so I get lots of entertainment out of these two games - I tend to wait a couple months before buying games nowadays because I want to know what issues the game has and then I go bargain hunting.
  3. My pick of all the games I've played is DMC 5 - Far Cry 5 is also impressive as @Alyxx said.
  4. I have another one - actually making a completely functional game without bugs. I find it irritating that some developers are giving us the players unfinished products and then coming with day-one patches. If the game isn't finished - work on it for crying out loud.
  5. The thing that still baffles me about Castlevania SOTN is why can't Alucard just kill Dracula himself. I mean, based on what was said in the game is that his powers were comparable to Dracula's without any of his weaknesses - Dracula himself considered Alucard the ultimate companion in war.
  6. These were the first 3 games I owned for the original NES.
  7. I've been trying to find out myself given that I am a huge fan of his games because they are always quality. I have heard about this game almost 2 years now and I still don't know anything about it, all I know is that the project is coming on well. If Kojima says it is coming along well - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
  8. It doesn't bother me one bit, as long as the game is completed and functional and is entertaining, the devs can take as much time as they like. All I ask is that they keep us the players updated on the progress of the projects.
  9. I have been playing Skyrim since 2011 and I am still going strong. Modded Skyrim never gets old and so many brand new and unique experiences can be had.
  10. In Crash Bandicoot, there is a level called the road to nowhere - I've lost count of how many times I played that stage but once I completed it, I have never played that level ever again. I've seen rage compilations on Youtube for this one level in Crash Bandicoot.
  11. Zone of the Enders series and the Naruto Storm series.
  12. This whole Live-services crap needs to die a gruesome death and with it, these 3 also go but unfortunately, they are too big to die quickly. Although at the rate they are going, they will inadvertently hit some even heavier losses from which they won't recover.
  13. We already know Bioware has been on life support for some time now and with the failure of Dragon Age 4, it will be the nail in the coffin for Bioware. Their best devs have all moved on and in its current state, Bioware is a shell of its former self.
  14. I love to mod my Skyrim and Skyrim SE (have been doing it since 2013 and can't get enough) because it gives me a very unique experience every time I choose to replay the story. I also mod my Fallout 4 and for all 3 games, it takes quite a bit of research to learn which mods are compatible with each other. On top of that, you have to find out which mods complement each other to give you the experience that you crave. It is time-consuming and a bit frustrating at times but once you get it running, you'll never want to stop. Do you like to mod video games? and which ones are your favorite to mod?
  15. I've been through this when I worked for the government and was the main reason I left after 5 years. Why must I spend 60-70 hours a week just to earn a couple more dollars? I wouldn't want to do that ever again because you feel like a zombie after a while.
  16. Hideo Kojima - the creator of the Metal Gear Franchise has given us fans a quality series that has lasted 20+ years. I know that he left Konami (hence why the Metal Gear games suck nowadays) but I will gladly buy any game he is developing because I know it will be a quality experience.
  17. Fair Point but I want others to watch it first before we can discuss it fully.
  18. Which part of the video was I supposed to be scared at? I was more bored than anything else - Why does the narrator sound so devoid of life?
  19. If you are talking about porn collections - I don't have any of those(funny enough, I knew a guy who admitted he had a 3Tb hard drive filled with nothing but porn lol). I used to have somewhat of a Gundam figure collection but moving really destroyed that. I still have my Gray Fox action figure from when I was a child.
  20. The forums and sub-forums are very easy to navigate. None that I can think of at the moment. The arcade sounds like a neat idea. Yes, I like the look of the forum - way better than some of the default white backgrounds you find on other gaming forums. It is very simple to create topics. The culture is fine and nowhere as toxic as other gaming forums I have been on in the past.
  21. Still dealing with my sprained ankle - I did some X-rays on my ankle and they said that the damage isn't serious so I've got to keep myself quiet for a couple of weeks. I'm also on pain medication which makes me super drowsy so I've extra sleepy. How you doing @DC?
  22. It is hands down the best movie of the series and the memories of watching the 22 Marvel movies that got us to this point was quite a journey. The video quality is absolutely amazing and I can't believe...you know what? I'm not going to leave any spoilers.
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