The movies and the games have both tanked because Disney does not give a crap about the franchise and EA doesn't give a crap about the the license they got from Disney so Star Wars is in a real pickle.
Nintendo has always been handing out Junk accessories since the beginning of time...I get thinking outside the box but there's a thing known as going too far. I'm surprised that the power glove didn't come with power suit and matching goggles turning you into the complete clown...
All kinds of factors come into the launch date of a game including potential competitors launch popular games during the same time frame among other things.
It has been confirmed for some weeks now that RDR2 is coming to the PC in late November/early December so we the PC gamers can get our hands on it before Christmas.
It depends because on some laptops you can install bigger RAM and other components such as storage while some have the components fused to the motherboard so there's no way to upgrade them yourself.
Unfortunately, it seems the Intel GPUs are for workstations instead of consumer grade GPUs which has left me disappointed to say the least. I was expecting them to offer some GPUs to compete with AMD and Nvidia.
Lenovo, yes - Dell, not so sure because my parents had bought a desktop during my teenage years and ended up having to replace it twice because of faulty compnents. The worse part is the third also had a faulty component so they had to get a refund and we bought a Toshiba.