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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This is a disturbing trend and the fact the Bioware Devs are now trying to say the game was in "Early Access". They could have said that before the game was launched and probably not sold it for like $60. They could have given it more time before release to sort out the issues but as usual for triple-A companies, money comes first.
  2. This is a downright mess and I don't see any way back for Bioware if they even have a future. The fact that they will blatantly lie and say the game is in Early Access long after it has been released is absolutely disgusting. What do you guys think about this latest development?
  3. I haven't found anything about the game either despite people bringing it up in several posts on this forum. I also can't seem to find anything on Youtube so I want to know who is the developer behind this game if it exists and when will it be released.
  4. I use Paypal for in-game transactions - there is no way I'll ever use my credit/debit card to fund gaming transactions/purchases.
  5. That's why I never really gave it a look either because it is a complicated game with in-game politics and the whole works.
  6. I heard it's a brilliant series and one that I will definitely look to play it in a couple of weeks and the Bioshock series has been around for a while so the graphics wouldn't hold much any weight against most games released in 2019.
  7. That isn't an abnormality at all - even at its peak, some people did not gravitate towards MMORPGs at all so you shouldn't be surprised. I'm trying to find a good one to play at the moment but games like Black Desert Online and Tera Online feel way too grindy for my liking.
  8. Genuine video game addiction does exist but in most cases, what is referred to as video game addiction especially in kids nowadays is due to poor parenting. A parent is supposed to be able to set boundaries regarding a child's gaming time and ensure that the child adheres to it. Some millennial parents hardly spend time with their kids at all and so the kids turn to video games as a way of dealing with that. A mistake I see most parents make nowadays is buying their kids anything to shut them up and not have to actively spend time with them which is harmful to their development in the long-term. Then these same parents now have to find thousands of dollars to correct the issue which should not have existed in the first place and try to blame video games for it. When you see such an issue in adults is usually a coping mechanism to deal with daily issues such as stress, low self-esteem and also a snowballing effect of the issue with kids I earlier mentioned. The list of people with genuine video game addiction, in my opinion, is like 0.5% where the individual suffers from some kind of mental issue and is unable to truly help their situations. In conclusion, most of what is referred to as video game "addiction" is actually a toxic habit that developed over time and the individual lacks the awareness and in some cases the willpower to fix their situation.
  9. Yes' he's a demon hunter just like Dante and Nero's backstory is quite vague and has always been. We don't even know who is his mother...
  10. It's part of the game - you should learn to make those and booby trap it.
  11. I'm sure they will but I'd like to know which characters are going to make an appearance in those DLCs.
  12. Virgil is my second favorite next to Dante as his somewhat calm demeanor and his fighting style is amazing.
  13. As a former Fortnite player (I don't really play it anymore), it is a multitude of factors. One thing about Fortnite is that almost anyone can play it with little to no practice at all and so it is extremely casual-gamer friendly. It's not a game that takes up a lot of your time as most match sessions last 30 mins maximum so most people can find time to play it. The game is constantly updated with very entertaining content and is maintained well by the Epic Games Devs and on top of that, the Devs do take customer feedback quite seriously. They do have micro-transactions in-game but it is completely by choice and almost anything can be earned in-game to buy season passes so you'll never have to spend a dime. The one thing about Fortnite that stood out to me at first was that the game doesn't take itself too seriously unlike PUBG and others in the Battle Royale genre.
  14. As @xXInfectedXx said, I play games for the enjoyment of them - not for bragging rights.
  15. That's a fair point because every gamer has unique "tastes" in games.
  16. I got my info from somewhere else but Sony had filed a patent that basically allows the PS5 to emulate games from previous generations. So your wish for PS1 and PS2 compatibility may not be a dream after all. https://www.gamesradar.com/yet-another-sony-patent-seems-to-promise-ps5-backwards-compatibility/
  17. Non-stop action with a great story and awesome characters.
  18. I'll go look it up because it is the first time I'm hearing of it.
  19. I was going to say Dark Souls but then I remembered that my Modded Skyrim game is so ridiculous with the bandits at Bleakfalls barrow having 1k health minimum and the Draugr are even stronger. I quite literally have to train up my character before I try Bleakfalls and don't even get me started on Dragons. In my game, their strength matches the dragons of the Elder Scrolls Lore.
  20. I enchanted a fork in Skyrim with soul capture and paralysis in one of my older save files from long ago. I named it "DoomFork" with a naming mod. It was a very devastating weapon as it took out all the Whiterun guards and civilians 😂
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