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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That is why most people love GTA - you can kill almost anybody and only a few other NPCs will ever react - mostly running away.
  2. How comes when vampires are attacking only a few come out to help fight them but punch a chicken and the whole town has pitchforks and torches for you?
  3. I'll wait until 2 months after release because by then we will know all the pros and cons of the game.
  4. Take some steroi...oh wait that doesn't help does it? erm...Just DO IT! *Shai's voice*
  5. HA - it isn't that bad visually but turning it over and then start knocking on the back of the keyboard...
  6. They also have hired (poached) a few top-tier tech personnel from both AMD and NVIDIA so it tells me they are quite serious about their endeavor.
  7. It is still a brilliant game especially for the price.
  8. That's the point of the game - Especially when you are on a ship swarming with aliens that can pop up out of anywhere. The Aliens also are very adaptive and grow smarter so the same tricks won't work on them after a few times. The atmospheric music when an Alien pops up suddenly really adds to the experience. I once jumped off my bed because the curtain brushed me while playing this. 😂
  9. That's probably why I always took a liking to games like Dark Souls and DMC because it took legitimate skill to beat these games.
  10. Same here - I always liked looking through gaming magazines because they also gave you reviews of games currently.
  11. Alien Isolation - I had played previous Alien games and I found them to be very underwhelming but then Isolation came out. I noticed it had some pretty good reviews from other gamers so I did my own research and decided to buy it. It is one of the best horror games I've ever played and the first horror game to make look over my shoulder every 5 seconds.
  12. Unless I have a sniper rifle or I am just laying down some covering fire for my teammates, I don't really know the meaning of support lol
  13. He's one of my favorite tech Youtubers and his content is trustworthy. Whatever you do, do not follow any guides from the verge...
  14. I could manage those hours in my younger days but now I can only go 2-3 hours at a time before needing a break.
  15. Without PCs, consoles wouldn't exist so PC is obviously the better choice...😈
  16. I got one on sale a few years back for $45 dollars and the difference in comfort between it and a standard computer chair is night and day. I thought getting it was a waste of money at first but then I decided to buy it and it makes gaming for hours more bearable.
  17. The one thing that irks me is why do people think that a single-player game with zero microtransactions or loot boxes is "revolutionary"? I've seen EA drop so many shit Star Wars games that I have a hard time believing this will be mind-blowingly different. Yes, I heard they are going to use the Unreal engine instead of their crapbite engine (EA doing something practical for once.yay!) which a good move but I need to see story-wise what they will come with and also if the combat is good.
  18. These gaming smartphones are a gimmick - they offer very negligible performance over standard smartphones during gaming but overheat way faster and the accessories for these phones are ridiculously expensive.
  19. As @UleTheVee said, there are ton loads of Youtube tutorials that can teach you to build a gaming PC because that is how I built my first one as well.
  20. Just to add, I haven't heard any of these gaming journalists calling out EA for doing something that was an industry standard up until recently and calling it revolutionary. Instead, they are calling out EA based on the character's race and gender...
  21. Haven't watched it yet but everyone I know who has is raving about it so I will go see it.
  22. Burnout paradise was my favorite game to play back in the days - I heard of this game and looked it up and it's lacking a lot of features that burnout had.
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