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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Are you talking on the Sega Genesis/Dreamcast or Arcade Machines?
  2. It seems like yesterday when I bought that game in my final year of college across the country.
  3. You'll have aim like Eminem - Stan high because I am still perplexed as to what gave him the motivation to ever create that song.
  4. I think the creator of Tetris is a master troll for creating this...Who the hell creates a game that is neverending? -_-
  5. 1) I mainly play solo because I was playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy (90's game) 2) I always win 3) About 3 hours Yes, Mortal Kombat is one the best if not the best fighting game series ever created. It's a bit over the top with violence at times but it is a solid fighting experience.
  6. True, video games are a great way to connect with other people. Back in the days, parents never understood much about video games so they would overlook you playing games like Mortal Kombat but parents nowadays are quite informed about the more violent games because of the media making an issue about their existence.
  7. Let's just say I wasn't as merciful as before...😈
  8. Siding with them isn't a problem but taking her to Dawnguard is the issue.
  9. I hit 2750 posts last night
  10. It depends on the game and the shortest time it ever took me to complete a game was about 3 days and it was Max Payne if I remembered correctly.
  11. For a second there I thought this was about killing your own teammates by the title. Yes, you have to team up with players in MMOs because you become an easy target otherwise. We normally discuss it on the fly but most times it involves some kind of flanking maneuvers or baiting tactics to catch other teams off-guard. I normally use a microphone because it is distracting to be typing while combating other teams but if I am forced to use the in-game message then so be it.
  12. I take breaks every hour although sometimes I might go over that by a few minutes if I am in the middle of a gaming session and it is about to end. My breaks are normally 15 to 20 minutes long and use that time to grab food/ get rid of waste etc.
  13. As a PC player, as time passes games become more demanding in terms of system requirements to function properly so I have no choice but to upgrade after a certain period. As an animator, I also have to upgrade on software because some features of the previous software become obsolete and the software becomes more demanding on my system as well.
  14. Not really, I like to beat my games fair and square. If that is what somebody else wants to do, they are well within their right and I won't judge you but I like overcoming my challenges the hard way. It feels like an accomplishment to beat a difficult stage/level.
  15. When I was younger and didn't really know any better, I only do it for emulator games nowadays - otherwise, I buy my games.
  16. I'm 50/50 when it comes to this topic because I love Skyrim and DMC 5 among others for their gripping single-player experiences but you have games like GTA online that I loved to play(said it in the past tense because I used to spend hours playing it until they started adding all these BS DLC vehicles). I do like MMOs in terms of building a guild and causing mischief in-game and also getting a good laugh with strangers.
  17. I once grabbed a kid who I saw running out into oncoming traffic to catch a Gyarados across the road. The kid actually had the nerve to be arguing when I just saved his life but being that I am not one for petty arguments I simply walked off.
  18. The only one I even got on launch was the PS3 and I didn't regret that decision because I had bragging rights among my friends back then being that we were all Sony fanboys. It served me a good 5 years before I seriously got into PC gaming and I've never really looked back.
  19. There is nothing wrong with doing sponsored game reviews but those reviews need to be genuine and have a minimal amount of bias. You do not want to lead your audience astray as this can ruin your reputation and lead to a bigger loss of revenue in the long run.
  20. Monitor because of the fast refresh rate and response time which is essential in games like CS:GO and Fortnite (when I used to play it.)
  21. I wait until the game is out and I know the pros and cons before I make a decision on purchasing it.
  22. Easy games are boring as hell - being rewarded for honing your skills in a game makes the experience feel like an accomplishment.
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