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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'd rather a bunker with me and a lifetime supply of food and probably my own satellite so I would have some access to the internet and load up some games and I'm good to go!😂
  2. Can't we send them on a one-way rocket into space so the idiots can clearly see it's round and then shoot it down so that their stupidity doesn't spread like a disease?
  3. PewDePie has nothing to do with this at all (as much as I don't really watch his content because it is very immature but to each their own) - It's just some freaking nut carrying out a random act of terror.
  4. Racism is extremely rampant in that part of Europe actually. It still stuck in the extremely dark ages where Racism is widely supported instead of looked down upon and critiqued.
  5. Good to have you here mate.
  6. In my view, It disgusts me because they are living beings like us with feelings, emotions and just trying to find their way through life like us. Hunting them to feed yourself out of necessity is understandable in the case of a dire situation like stranded out in the wilderness because some animals would do the same to us. Killing animals for our own twisted amusement is absolute cruelty.
  7. We'd have to go outside? *everyone shrieks in horror* No it's not as bad as you think *sees guy humping a light pole*. Okay, I'm staying inside!
  8. EA really got me good that time 😭 I learned my lesson and ironically that was the last game I ever Pre-ordered as well.
  9. I also remembered playing Robocop back in the days as well as Aliens.
  10. It seems like a very decent game in terms of graphics and although it has a bit of the dark souls UI, it is quite different in terms of gameplay. I don't own the game but based on what I have learned, It is more story-driven and character focused in that you don't create the main character. Instead, you follow a shinobi on his path of vengeance. Based on the gameplay I have watched, the signature RPG elements of the Dark Souls series is replaced by a more skilled-based system. I'm looking to buy it but not jumping the gun myself.
  11. The NPCs were so robotic in their actions, that when I first played Watch Dogs, I actually tried to hack the NPCs 🤣 It annoyed me how the media said it would eclipse GTA...In a way, I was glad it failed miserably because it lacked the quality to be even comparable to a GTA game.
  12. You didn't add Pokemon to that list...oh wait, there are only 3 songs in a Pokemon Game 🤣 Nevermind me...
  13. Online stores actually have way better prices on some older games. Many of the top games from a few years ago you can get them for like $3 - $4 dollars on SCDkeys.
  14. Intel is going to hit the GPU market next year and I'm glad there is more competition in the graphics card space because Nvidia's pricing of their cards is so ridiculous. Are you happy that Intel is stepping into the GPU market?
  15. For the first time in a while, I am actually excited to see what Microsoft offers at this year's E3 conference. What are you looking forward to the most at Microsoft's E3 show? Gears Of Wars 5!
  16. The problem with Digital goods is that you aren't really the owner per say as the company that truly owns it can shut down in the blink of an eye and you no longer have access to that product.
  17. EA killed off Visceral studios so no more Dead Space - ever! It was one of my favorite games to play as well - I loved it so much I had on my iPhone at the time.
  18. It was until the hydro cooler leaked and completely fried my motherboard. I could play pretty much anything but Witcher 3 (title for the most poorly optimized PC game ever) - I mean it worked it was just that the game started to overheat my system which no other game managed to do. I did some tests on the other parts and only the memory is in working condition - everything else is fried including the GPU. The worst part is my gaming laptop is not all that powerful so I can't play most modern games at max settings.
  19. Since the turn of the year, I think I've bought only two games as many of the games are very sub-par nowadays to say the least.
  20. Those are some valid points as well but there are other ways to punish your kids like taking away the console or lowering their allowance until they show some discipline.
  21. I used to be PlayStation fanboy myself as a kid up to when I got the PS3. However, ever since I have seriously gotten into PC gaming, I haven't looked back. The Xbox One I got as a gift is in the possession of my cousin and the only time I ever borrowed it back was to play RDR2. PC gaming allows you to mod games in ways you couldn't on a console and the fact that you can use emulators to play old console games makes PC Gaming the best.
  22. Sometimes I'll create a magic knight so that I can have the best of both worlds. Being able to tank most things and using magic to heal and enhance my defensive and offensive capabilities as well as hold aggro.
  23. I'd like to see you have that kind of dedication if you played Star Wars Battlefront 2...I still can't believe I ever bought that garbage.
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