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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Teaching kids to be accountable from a young age as well as educating kids about the differences between fantasy and reality really aid them in their development. At her age, I was playing games like killer instinct on the Sega Genesis and Mortal Kombat. It's good that you game with your daughter - my dad did that with me at 3 years old when we got Mario and Duck Hunt for the original NES.
  2. I swear Fus Ro Dah would be the most useful one of them all. You could use that on Black Friday clearing the entrance of a store just before it starts and while everyone is dazed, grab what you want.🤣
  3. Most people aren't but EA and these other major companies keep pushing out this garbage because that way they don't have to build a new game, just add incremental upgrades which saves them a lot of money.
  4. At least you're honest about it - most behave like they are unaware of the issue.
  5. I've come across some pretty bizarre people in this lifetime so for the most part, I'm not really shocked by anything.
  6. Nothing there mate - Seems like one of life's greater mysteries! Like those undiscovered Planets far away where we can see them but can't reach them.
  7. I love every other Fallout game except Fallout 76! 🤣 In all seriousness, Fallout 3 would just edge it over NV because of the seriousness of Fallout 3 in terms of what was at stake. I do like Modding Fallout 4 though.
  8. Their problem, as well as Activision's and Bethesda's, is their constant push towards trying to get the most out of consumers without putting in any real effort in terms of quality.
  9. I was watching it last night - still one of my favorites of all time.
  10. Certain games you can use a compatibility mode in the properties tab. Right click on the icon, click on properties, click on the compatibility tab, there will a setting with the heading compatibility mode and it will have a checkbox beside it to run the particular program in compatibility for earlier versions of Windows. That's how I was able to play the old AOE2 games on Windows 10.
  11. Predestination - Ethan Hawke Triangle - Christopher Smith Untraceable - Gregory Hoblit
  12. Extended family or your immediate family?
  13. Mont, you sound like you're becoming addicted to Twitch lol. I'm not that familiar with ASMR to be honest but I do agree that they sound relaxing.
  14. I was playing Jet Moto on the emulator the other day - the simpler days in my life.
  15. I also remember playing Onimusha back in the days as well but my pick would be Tenchu skilled assassins from the PS1 era and Armored Core because I love my mech action!
  16. It's quite difficult to say because a couple of years ago when battle-royale games launched on the scene, most people never really gravitated towards them at first. Then PUBG came along and Fortnite shortly after which boosted the popularity of the genre.
  17. To be honest, I've always wanted to try out the older Dragon Age games but I can't be bothered to create another Origin account after EA deleted mine without any warning or reason why.
  18. killamch89

    AMD Build

    I am waiting until the new processors and graphics cards launch before I buy anything. I'm tired of Nvidia's crappy software - the idiotic Geforce Experience is so pointless. Trying to download a graphics card update through this thing is like someone trying to blend corn in a blender - it'll never come out smoothly and will destroy the blender. On top of downloading it, installing it is like teeth pulling.
  19. Same here, mine is set from 6 pm to 7 am in the morning so I am not exposed to the blue light.
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