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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. EA killed off Visceral studios so no more Dead Space - ever! It was one of my favorite games to play as well - I loved it so much I had on my iPhone at the time.
  2. It was until the hydro cooler leaked and completely fried my motherboard. I could play pretty much anything but Witcher 3 (title for the most poorly optimized PC game ever) - I mean it worked it was just that the game started to overheat my system which no other game managed to do. I did some tests on the other parts and only the memory is in working condition - everything else is fried including the GPU. The worst part is my gaming laptop is not all that powerful so I can't play most modern games at max settings.
  3. Since the turn of the year, I think I've bought only two games as many of the games are very sub-par nowadays to say the least.
  4. Those are some valid points as well but there are other ways to punish your kids like taking away the console or lowering their allowance until they show some discipline.
  5. I used to be PlayStation fanboy myself as a kid up to when I got the PS3. However, ever since I have seriously gotten into PC gaming, I haven't looked back. The Xbox One I got as a gift is in the possession of my cousin and the only time I ever borrowed it back was to play RDR2. PC gaming allows you to mod games in ways you couldn't on a console and the fact that you can use emulators to play old console games makes PC Gaming the best.
  6. Sometimes I'll create a magic knight so that I can have the best of both worlds. Being able to tank most things and using magic to heal and enhance my defensive and offensive capabilities as well as hold aggro.
  7. I'd like to see you have that kind of dedication if you played Star Wars Battlefront 2...I still can't believe I ever bought that garbage.
  8. I saw an indie title called the Beast Inside yesterday and I think I'll get it when it comes out. The demo was horrifying to say the least...the atmosphere in-game had me looking over my shoulder every minute and I wasn't even the one playing - I think I'm in love!
  9. Great analogy! It's Google so it's going to be a half-assed mess like Google Plus! 🤣 Google is like "we have this amazing technology that maybe exists but it'll do this, that and the third!" Gamers: "Oh God! We don't want a Google Pixel Console with Android support! Get back in your corner!"
  10. 8K at this time is completely unnecessary and would be a waste of money because 4k technology still hasn't caught on in many other industries such as the film industry. What they should be trying to do is make 4K the baseline standard and then we move to 8K technology. Not create technology that hardly anyone can use or afford.
  11. Google hardly partners with other entities outside of the Government and maybe a collaborative effort with Facebook even now and then. Even then Blizzard and EA would have to see how this is benefiting them and if the technology actually works before you would get any kind of commitment from those companies.
  12. I was trying out the game I won here - Jet X yesterday and it is pretty fun and simplistic although match-making at this stage takes a while because there aren't that many players.
  13. A can of compressed air can't harm your PC ( the only thing I'm certain that can't damage your PC). How much do they charge to clean your PC?
  14. Building my Gaming PC 3 years ago (RIP Walter), The total for the parts came up to $1100.
  15. It's garbage - Nothing more to be said. I played it for like 2 minutes and immediately quit...It does such the brilliant Elder Scrolls series such a serious injustice and Todd Howard (Bethesda CEO) has the audacity to lie to our faces that this was a truly Elder Scrolls experience. But then again, he did label Fallout 76 a success so I shouldn't even be surprised. As an Elder Scroll fan, I nearly threw my phone into the wall and I don't normally even feel any rage when gaming but what a shit-show.
  16. I always wanted to play God Of War on the PS4 except I don't or have never owned one -_-.
  17. See, this is why I argue against politicians being involved in any decisions relating to the gaming industry because they don't have a freaking clue about anything. Well, to be fair, when do politicians have a clue about what they're doing?
  18. That would be in Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain when Venom Snake was bitten by a snake (the irony) trying to save one of his subordinates - Quiet. She wakes up after being knocked unconscious by the impact of a tank shell explosion only to find him unresponsive. She cannot speak English because her body contained a contagious parasite that would be activated if she ever spoke any English killing her instantly but their rescuers are radioing them to rendezvous with them. Quiet spoke Russian over the walkie-talkie but the rescuers don't understand. She is forced to speak English to save Venom's life at the cost of her own.
  19. Tupac Shakur, Dave Chappelle, and Mary J. Blige.
  20. I agree if we took it for what it was which is a decent game or even slightly above average. The fact that they compared it GTA is what really made it a flop - I did like the hacker elements but in terms of interaction with the NPCs in-game, it was lacking to say the least.
  21. It's important we keep those standards high or else you end up with stuff like Fallout 76 or Elder Scrolls Blades or better yet - Star Wars Battlefront 2 because I think that was the last time I ever bought an EA game (it has been a long time.)
  22. I can across a game called Outward and from the bits I've seen so far about it, It's a really innovative MMORPG. Now, I'll just say that the combat in-game isn't the greatest - it's a pass but nothing spectacular but other features such as unleveled enemies and armors and weapons not being restricted by levels makes it a very interesting experience.
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