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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Half-Life is like that one absentee father that said he was going to the store and decades later you're still waiting for him to come back.🤣
  2. I'd give up Dark Souls in a heartbeat if they included an "easy" mode. It is a truly rewarding experience to finish one of these games because you had to struggle really hard throughout. The many features that stack the odds against you such as the pause menu not actually pausing the game itself so you can still die, bosses hit you with a random move that you weren't aware they had among other things and it is what makes up the experience.
  3. Nope. It is quickly becoming Epic vs Everyone because even console gamers are annoyed with their crap - Could they fix their buggy store and UI first?
  4. Wait - why are we having this conversation again?🤣 The same game being brought up 3 times in a couple of days...If it's Dark Souls difficult I really want to play it. Another thing I notice is some gaming journalists love to make an issue out of nothing. Why do they believe this game should have an "easy" mode when it is modeled after Dark Souls' difficulty settings?
  5. Amazon or eBay will suffice. It won't cost you more than $15 dollars and it'll last you for probably 3-4 months probably more depending on usage.
  6. PC Master race - we gave life to the gaming industry and we have all the power! *evil laughs*
  7. I think they have a new game coming out named Last Alive that is set in the Front Mission Universe so I am looking out for that.
  8. The console wars will always be there but it won't be quite as prominent with Crossplay. I am already preparing for the PC Civil War as we speak *pulls out anti-Epic banners*
  9. I love building expansive armies and sending them all at once to annihilate my opponent.
  10. That is a valid point as well.
  11. You should - mine is both dust and water resistant and comes with shock absorption as well which gives your laptop an extra layer of protection.
  12. killamch89

    Laptop Cooler

    Incidentally, mine has 5 fans and it does cool pretty well...Are you spying on me? 🤣 In all seriousness, for $15 dollars, this was a very worthwhile investment and has lasted for 3 years.
  13. That couldn't be the biggest budget ever because Destiny 2's budget was also $500 million dollars and that doesn't necessarily equate to the quality of the game. Destiny 2 is a prime example although to be fair, Activision were the ones trying to monetize everything in that game. As for if it will live up to expectations - we'll see. Nowadays, I have learned not to be overly hyped for any game release until I see it in action because that is how you end up with Star Wars Battlefront 2!
  14. My immediate family is 6 (that I know of because my dad was wild back in the days) and my extended family is humongous!
  15. It comes somewhat natural for me but practice is also required to become very skilled at it.
  16. I rarely do it and it is usually for online purchases - It is good to save a bit of cash here and there but the time and effort required for this kind of activity isn't really worth it.
  17. That is quite interesting to hear, as I'd usually be fast asleep when it is raining especially when that cool breeze starts coming in...straight to bed!
  18. Napping is a light recharger and doesn't cost you much time unless you are going over 30 minutes. This is where you need to set an alarm to prevent yourself from over-indulging in your nap.
  19. It may be due to job requirements or other factors that a long-distance relationship even started in the first place. Most people who I know are in long-distance relationships right now, started off in a normal relationship like most other people but because of the aforementioned job requirements (being in the military, etc.) It developed into a long-distance relationship.
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