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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It depends on your budget but if you are looking for something in the $600 - 700 category, you could pick up a Radeon VII. It comes with 16GB of memory which is very good for editing and it also performs very well at gaming.
  2. Which max Payne game is it? and have you tried running it in a different compatibility mode?
  3. This is so bizarre and random as hell - Dylan did you find out about this today or you just randomly felt like posting this now?
  4. That too but I was also mentioning chores as well - I loved my GTA marathons back in the days so I made sure to take care of everything before I started.
  5. I'm not sure about its interactions with medication because I don't take any but when I started taking it, I took a 1/4 tsp every 3 days to let your body adapt to it and over time I increased the dosage to the recommended figure which is 1/2 tsp. Every month I normally stop taking it for a week because it is potent stuff. I haven't suffered any side effects and it helps with your mood and concentration and sleep as well since I take it in the evenings. I'm not sure about the amount of pain relief it offers because I haven't had any injuries in recent years.
  6. The VR technology of the present is for the most part very gimmicky so I haven't got into it as yet. I'll give the tech companies more time to refine their products so that it works seamlessly and is more affordable.
  7. Judging by what they did with Elder Scrolls blades for the android, all I see Bethesda doing is destroying the reputation of all their most popular franchise over a few extra dollars.
  8. The Fallout universe where the dragon would be a mutated fire-breathing chicken from all the nuclear waste...I have such an active imagination!
  9. Hahaha! It is the Dragonborn's way of dealing with stress because he is so nerfed in-game - The guards could at least try to be a bit more sympathetic! 🤣
  10. Dark Souls wouldn't be Dark Souls if it doesn't raise your frustration level to ridiculous heights and leaves you grumbling constantly. It's like that one person that annoys the hell out of you and you always complain yet you just can't take yourself away from them.
  11. No, it's fine if you love Esports and there are other gamers here who are heavily invested in it like you are but some of us just can't sit around and watch everyone else gaming. It feels like torture to me 😭
  12. Replace that with Michael Jackson and it's even more entertaining. They also have songs from Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, U2 - They even have an NWA song and some reggae/dancehall songs in-game as well.
  13. Anthem was way overhyped when it is, in fact, lacking a lot of features such as a proper story and endgame content. The game itself is playable which is a plus in 2019 considering the bar has been set incredibly low by games like Fallout 76 and the gameplay seems very repetitive and that is a huge issue.
  14. I knew I missed one of them. KeepassX is a good one as well - I'm not quite sure how I forgot about it.
  15. @skyfire Is that the tank version of Pacman? 🤣 In all seriousness, I know of similar games to this but have never really played them before either.
  16. I was just about to mention that Microsoft was working on an adaptive controller and then Linus releases this video. It isn't perfect but at the very least it is a step towards getting everyone into gaming regardless of physical or mental ability.
  17. To call it crap would be a huge disrespect to actual crap. I agree with @SpaceExplorer that I could tell that this game was never going to be successful because it was loaded with microtransactions for every little thing.
  18. At least you are able to enjoy video games even if it is limited.
  19. Have you ever listened to GTA V's soundtrack or the radio talk shows in-game? They play a lot of 90's/80's music and talk shows are hilarious!
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