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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That's what I do as well. I can never recommend having a can of air enough - It makes most computer cleaning jobs more tolerable and less nerve-wracking. I'd start panicking if I never had a can of air available to clean my PC because almost anything else has the potential to ruin your machine.
  2. Who knew fitting squares together could be so - addictive! In all seriousness, I just think it is the game's simplistic nature that made it such a hard game to stop playing. It used to be crazy when the blocks started coming down at such a godly speed that you had to possess amazing reaction skills to survive.
  3. I don't know about relaxing but it gives a sense of hopelessness which is how most survivors would feel after surviving a nuclear explosion.
  4. I've never really tried it myself so I can't say for sure. I'd have to look it up myself because I also have my reservations about the vacuum method.
  5. Somehow I can just imagine the Dragonborn munching on cheese all the time. Believe me, when I first found out about that I thought it was some kind of April fools' joke...
  6. I also had some pretty good online matches on Halo 2 but it was GTA Vice City and San Andreas that I did the all-nighters with.
  7. Oh okay - It isn't mentioned much by many gamers I know of so it probably lacks a lot of the functionality that GTA gives you in-game or lacks something important to be a successful GTA-like game.
  8. Well, the original zombies in RE 2 were also like that so you wouldn't have fared any better in the original game. It's a pity that you can't use items like fire extinguishers or other items you could grab to fight off the zombies as well.
  9. Thanks for the information. Is it half as engaging as GTA? or entertaining for that matter? GTA sets the bar pretty high with its single-player campaigns so that's why I am asking how comparable is it to GTA.
  10. And most zombies in RE 7 don't even go down with 2 shots...Has anyone tried using pepper spray on a zombie or maybe a taser?
  11. I am keeping an eye out for it as well and my cousin met him once and said the same thing about him.
  12. The characters have to be very complexed individuals and the story has to have a lot of depth to it as well. The gameplay has to be fun and the difficulty has to be challenging for me.
  13. Iron man for the PS2 - I quit playing that game within 5 minutes because it was utter trash and I spent $20 out of my pocket for it -_-
  14. Have you ever tried Sega Rally? You sit down in a driver cockpit with a gear stick, clutch, steering wheel and handbrake and you race against another competitor.
  15. Billy & Ted 3 which is supposed to be released in 2020? If I'm not mistaken, that's the last thing I remembered reading on it some time ago.
  16. "Don't think you can barter with me like one of those damned shopkeepers." Skyrim Guard "If you ever have settle down to have children, think twice before you do it." Jofthor
  17. What @skyfire said, a self-sustained business isn't something that just works out overnight. Most times it takes months/years of failures before you see any profit from all your hard work and it is daunting.
  18. Good parenting plays a vital role in teaching children how to manage their time when it comes to gaming and developing some form of self-control but the problem with the lack of boundaries I see set by many parents nowadays, children develop an addiction to it.
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