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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Replace that with Michael Jackson and it's even more entertaining. They also have songs from Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, U2 - They even have an NWA song and some reggae/dancehall songs in-game as well.
  2. Anthem was way overhyped when it is, in fact, lacking a lot of features such as a proper story and endgame content. The game itself is playable which is a plus in 2019 considering the bar has been set incredibly low by games like Fallout 76 and the gameplay seems very repetitive and that is a huge issue.
  3. I knew I missed one of them. KeepassX is a good one as well - I'm not quite sure how I forgot about it.
  4. @skyfire Is that the tank version of Pacman? 🤣 In all seriousness, I know of similar games to this but have never really played them before either.
  5. I was just about to mention that Microsoft was working on an adaptive controller and then Linus releases this video. It isn't perfect but at the very least it is a step towards getting everyone into gaming regardless of physical or mental ability.
  6. To call it crap would be a huge disrespect to actual crap. I agree with @SpaceExplorer that I could tell that this game was never going to be successful because it was loaded with microtransactions for every little thing.
  7. At least you are able to enjoy video games even if it is limited.
  8. Have you ever listened to GTA V's soundtrack or the radio talk shows in-game? They play a lot of 90's/80's music and talk shows are hilarious!
  9. Still won't get me to like Minecraft or anything closely related to it...
  10. I totally agree with this sentiment. The game is lacking any real innovation and depends on gimmicky features to attract new players.
  11. Some valid points here as well but the third one isn't as common as you'd like to believe. Yes, there are people who hate certain games for no other reason than to go against the popular opinion but there are other factors that far exceed that when it comes to games. I hate shallow games as well - A game with little to no lore at all isn't really appealing to play because you won't be immersed in the game and lose interest very quickly.
  12. Yes, we know each class has its strengths but which one do you prefer and why?
  13. Completely forgot about DOTA 2 for some reason. World of Warcraft is still pretty popular as well and it's the game is still going strong although it doesn't get a lot of media attention anymore.
  14. Why would we not include you? I see where you are coming from now. I do know a herb that can increase your dopamine levels among other things (and no it is not weed or psychedelic drug) and for the most part a brilliant herb that helps with stress as well. It's called Mucuna Pruriens - it's an Indian ayurvedic herb that is well-known for being a brain booster and mood enhancer. I am recommending this because I have used it for over 6 years and it is wonderful.
  15. Wait so why should I hide my pottery again? Are you some kind of pottery smasher? - you fiend!🤣 Welcome to VGR mate.
  16. I have a laptop sleeve I keep mine in when not in use and I also have dust covers for desktops.
  17. Yeah, I love playing games but watching others play them while I myself sit around and do nothing is a tad boring. I will watch a few streams every now and then but it is only to learn new tricks for games I already have or learn more about games I have an interest in buying. There is the occasional stream that is extremely entertaining but that is a bit of a rarity.
  18. I remembered that you did mention it once and it is great that it is still going strong.
  19. Ironically, it's EA's greedy practices that were responsible for governments having to regulate loot boxes in the first place. This is one of the only times I will ever back a government regarding any issues in the gaming industry because these practices are unfair to gamers.
  20. The overwork culture is an issue that affects many people globally and most companies are not doing much to help solve the issue because they believe the number of hours worked is equal to productivity. Most of these corporations have a slavemaster culture where pushing workers to go way beyond their capabilities is standard and you are deemed "lazy" if you oppose to this style of business.
  21. I agree with you on this. It makes no sense fussing about a certain game when it was intended for a niche audience - that's just business.
  22. You also need to make sure that nothing is obstructing the vents on your laptop or you will continue to encounter those heating issues. You should also try to invest in a laptop cooler especially one that lifts the laptop off the surface slightly so that your laptop can have proper ventilation as well as cool air.
  23. killamch89

    Laptop Cooler

    I bought my laptop cooler on eBay for about $13 dollars and it has served me well for the 3 years that I've had it.
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