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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. If I'm not mistaken, there is a sequel out now or came out a few years back. Not a fan of first-person mech games because I like to see my Mech in all its glory.
  2. You could do a lot worse than prince of persia - like Spyro (Its very existence drives me up a wall for some reason). I'm not even sure why I despise Spyro but every since I saw the first game on the original PS1, it was the one game I will never buy in this lifetime.
  3. I haven't played it in ages to be fair but it was a pretty fun game from what I remember.
  4. So everyone is just going to ignore Fallout 76...It's Fallout 76, everybody knows about it as well. Every day Fallout 76 is in the news for something else - It has more negative press than Brexit!
  5. I watched a good portion of the stream but I had to drop my brother at the airport so I missed the rest.
  6. The thing that bugged me about buying physical games especially on CDs is when the CD has a scratch and that scratch many prevent you from playing the game.
  7. I'm afraid of putting ANY liquid near any of my PCs. You need to ground yourself when before any computer/console up with a screwdriver to prevent the static from building up.
  8. As @StaceyPowers is asking, are you two going to do a collab video?
  9. Fair point there but gaming is heading in a digital direction(which I don't support either but the train has already been set in motion...). A driveless Xbox is just a ridiculously underpowered, overpriced PC and nobody will by that. You might as well get a gaming PC - even a budget gaming PC runs circles around any console.
  10. That's not very uncommon at all to be honest as I am acquainted with 2 people who have an identical eating habit as well.
  11. The thing I learned from having animals around me since I was a kid is that they can sense your emotions and intent. If animals don't sense any kind of fear they don't tend to react very aggressively but if they sense any trace of fear they tend to bite out of instinct. They also tend to dislike people that hate animals for obvious reasons - Most animals tend to follow me around nowadays and crawl onto me/hide behind me.
  12. How did you even know about these movies?! The question I should be asking is what was the film director smoking when he came up with this concept?
  13. To be honest, I never grew up with that many restrictions so I got away with playing any game I want.
  14. I feel adding stuff like collect trophies to my priority list when playing games kind of takes the appeal out of playing games for fun.
  15. After what I have been seeing from Bethesda since Fallout 76 came out, I'm not too positive about anything with Bethesda. I love my Elder Scrolls but I don't think Bethesda has it in them to make a properly functioning game anymore. It's always the Modding community that increases the longevity and popularity of their games and with the way they have been treating modders like criminals...
  16. I troll a lot too but not the malicious kind of trolling - it's more the mischievous kind of trolling where everybody is dying of laughter. Even the person being trolled can't stop laughing.
  17. The horror! 😂 In MMORPGs, I tend to play as a tank as I can't be bothered to be hiding behind someone else. I like jumping into battle headfirst.
  18. The fact that I found out it was an Epic Games exclusive - my excitement levels have disappeared.
  19. Saves you a lot more money and time especially when you do the math about how much you'd have to spend to keep buying batteries.
  20. That meme is awfully accurate though🤣 Try doing it for a laptop keyboard - I swear it's like the Sahara desert comes out of it.
  21. Never really tried that to be honest. You can always look it up on Google or Youtube.
  22. Facebook has had so much negative press in the last 2-3 years, we shouldn't be surprised nobody wants to use it anymore.
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