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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I subbed to the Youtube channel and I liked how you guys discussed the topics in a very professional manner - keeping personal bias to a minimum. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  2. I can imagine that you'll say every defendant is guilty without hearing 1/10 of the evidence provided 😂
  3. To be honest, I don't pay that much attention to Esports either even though it is a growing industry.
  4. I am actually looking for quality ones that will last like Samsung - not the Chinese knockoffs that destroyed my friend's S10. In instances like this, penny flinching causes more problems in the long run than buying one from a reputable brand.
  5. I personally don't get any pleasure from causing grief to other players in-game unless those same players are bullies/douches. In which case I will pick on them continuously until they stop what they are doing or quit playing.
  6. Bethesda is just rinsing its consumers for every cent they can get - I wouldn't be surprised if Elder Scrolls VI had microtransactions in it because Bethesda seems to be trying to outdo EA.
  7. Immersion is pretty important as well because the game would never be appealing to you enough to continuously play it.
  8. Well, I was way more mature than most of my peers and even though I got into fights on a somewhat regular basis, I never really started any of them. I was also very strong-headed and stubborn so I never really succumbed to peer pressure so in an odd way they did trust me enough. Funny enough, I would get do whatever required my attention so I wouldn't be disturbed from my gaming.
  9. Do you have a wireless router at home because my internet provider gave me one straight out of the box.
  10. Use an anti-static wristband with the clip and clip it to your PC case. Do NOT buy the wireless ones because they are a scam and make sure to touch your computer case every few minutes. Laptops nowadays are made with cheap components so I don't expect them to last that long either.
  11. I have been using SafeInCloud for the past 2 years and it has been extremely reliable. However, there are other equally reliable ones like LastPass, Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault as well as Dashlane(This one is the most expensive - not quite sure it's much better than the rest but extremely reliable nonetheless).
  12. But it's not 1TB...personally I have been looking all over the place for the Samsung 512GB version. A lot of fakes are being sold on eBay and Amazon along with most other websites so I am being very careful.
  13. Get a password manager and generate 15 worded or longer passwords with letters, numbers and symbols - nobody will be able to access your accounts at all - except you that is.
  14. Yeah, you should give it a go - you'd be amazed at what you have been missing all these years. It's a solid franchise and is the most popular mech game franchise to date.
  15. Dead Space was a brilliant franchise until EA ruined it by rushing Dead Space 3.
  16. That's exactly what I said - I can think of much crappier platform/puzzle games to have ever existed *cough*Spyro*cough*...Sorry, I must be catching the flu or something.
  17. You should open up a gaming museum! Show off things like the Atari, Sega Genesis and those older consoles to these millennials - I bet you'd make a lot of money right. Heck, you could even auction some of those games because they'd be worth a fortune.
  18. You see, this is why I can't wait until loot boxes are banned/regulated worldwide - some idiots just can't control themselves.
  19. Have you ever played Armored Core on the PlayStation1-3 maybe 4? It's a brilliant Mech game with an exhausting amount of customizations for mechs but it is realistic in that you have to factor in weapon weight, mech energy output etc.
  20. Tetris! Don't look at me funny...Tetris is the one game that I liked a lot as a kid and I still don't quite get why. It's not like those blocks can transform into anything else.
  21. Or try to build one - it works out cheaper and much better in the long run. Pre-built PCs always come with these strange warranty policies and don't get me started on when you actually want to get your machine repaired/upgraded.
  22. Figured that from reading the first post I saw from you. Everybody has some strange habits, so who am I to judge?
  23. Ah! You should at least get a mid-range gaming PC because you are missing out on the excellence that is PC gaming.
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