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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I normally buy them after the reviews come out and I always look for a bargain online. My games nowadays are all digital.
  2. Digital games are the really tough ones to sell because I don't think most websites accept those unless it is an unused key. Physical copies can be sold at pawn shops, gaming stores, on Ebay, Craigslist etc.
  3. It took me 8 hours to download GTA 5 for the PC and the file size was 60GB at the time!
  4. Is Mr/Mrs. Garrison the mastermind behind everything in the game? No, wait, he's too stupid for that 🤣
  5. The Iron Man game *gets a pitchfork*, I remember throwing it in the trash after 5 minutes. How on earth did you get to 20 minutes with that game?
  6. That works too. You see @StaceyPowers there is nothing modern technology can't fix...well it still can't fix the idiocy of this generation...
  7. Be paranoid and shoot at anything that moves - anything! I'm just kidding - you just have to remain calm and be very aware of your surroundings.
  8. My big brother is still around so I have to carry all over the place.
  9. You know what mate? I'll just go back to minding my own business...lol
  10. +1 for Lion King - It was a very iconic movie. I remember as a kid going to the theatres to watch the Lion King - man I feel old!
  11. That's around where my country falls in terms of their minimum wage rate.
  12. So what is the plan for the weekend everyone?
  13. Does she think you will cheat on her with Bayonetta or something? 😂
  14. Hahaha! I once had a run in with a female black widow spider who escaped out of a container. The funny part is she was on my shoulder for a solid 10 minutes without me being aware. When I realized she was there I ordered her to get off my shoulder and oddly enough, she climbed down my hand and back into her container.
  15. When I work out in the mornings, I also tend to eat a huge breakfast.
  16. Well as a huge Elder Scrolls/Fallout fan, I will not touch another Bethesda game - I have completely lost any faith in them making a good game. As I have said in several of my posts, the modders are what make the Elder Scrolls games so successful - not Bethesda and their unfinished games.
  17. Casual gamers are the bain of our existence -_-.
  18. Tell your girlfriend it's just a game. My parents got me Mortal Kombat, GTA , Max Payne, RE etc. They bought them because I loved the games and I never really had any issues.
  19. At this point, EA, Bethesda, and Activision are all duking it out for greediest gaming company of the year. 99.5% of the negative gaming industry news is about these 3 companies and their disgusting anti-consumer practices.
  20. At this point, I have no confidence in Bethesda being able to make a decent game ever again.
  21. It seriously annoys me that they keep trying to ruin the pc gaming experience for the rest of us.
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