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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm not even surprised...There have been at least 2 other incidents like this in recent months.
  2. I don't have a console per say but I clean my gaming laptop at least twice a month.
  3. That's why I always used them because it's something I'll completely forget about buying normally.
  4. You could do with a surge protector so that way you can plug in more devices/appliances/whatever else.
  5. I probably encountered a bite bug but I can't seem to remember. I'm not even surprised.
  6. It's bad enough dealing with the p2w players with their massive ego-trip, it's unbearable when it is coming from someone who is supposed to maintain order in-game.
  7. I wish you could order him around like your followers but he's a dragon so he won't listen...
  8. Everything @The Blackangel told you is true. I remember being 1-shotted by it - I was embarrassed and slightly bemused at the same time.
  9. I'm usually a mage but I like unarmed combat as well. Crafting is so boring. That's why I have mods that let me pay the blacksmith to do it.
  10. Basically, their launcher is scanning the files on your computer without your permission collecting information on you. A Reddit user pointed brought it to everyone's attention and Epic Games confessed to it but tried to make it seem like it wasn't a really big deal. Steam even demanded a response from Epic Games as to who gave them permission to scan their Steam files.
  11. I'm a casual mobile player in that I play a mobile game every now and then.
  12. +1 for Flux. I have it on all my devices as well and I must say that it is brilliant.
  13. I turn it off when I won't be home and when I am going to bed. Otherwise, mine is always on because the internet is my main source of income and entertainment.
  14. I like to have multiple playing styles for a character because it helps me in various situations as well as mix up the action. I do tend to get bored doing the same thing repeatedly with a character so I always look for unique skills to add some spice to my character's abilities.
  15. They made one version more powerful to compete with the Xbox One and PS4 and a cheaper dumbed-down version for budget consumers.
  16. You could look up the Scooby Doo detective agency because they are good at solving mysteries and finding stuff...
  17. I understand where you both are coming from but my approach is very different - I don't really care about the trophies because all I care about is having fun.
  18. @DCI agree that it really isn't surprising at all given how behind the times Gamestop is. It is dying a slow agonizing death but it is going to fall soon - similar circumstance happened to Blockbuster a decade ago when they failed to update their business model to stay competitive.
  19. I have a can of air spray that I use to spray away the grime from my laptop and I use a cloth to wipe any remnants off of my laptop.
  20. Use a VPN when browsing the net because it stops websites from tracking your location and activity.
  21. What is it with you and in-game trophies? 😂 To be honest, I'm not really even sure because I don't normally focus on stuff like that.
  22. lmao! Mine is a combination of my high school nickname "killa" part of my last name "mch" and the year I was born "89".
  23. killamch89


    I love FF8 as well and I am also a huge fan of RPGs as well. Skyrim would be my favorite though especially when it is modded because you can create any kind of game you want.
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