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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Does she think you will cheat on her with Bayonetta or something? 😂
  2. Hahaha! I once had a run in with a female black widow spider who escaped out of a container. The funny part is she was on my shoulder for a solid 10 minutes without me being aware. When I realized she was there I ordered her to get off my shoulder and oddly enough, she climbed down my hand and back into her container.
  3. When I work out in the mornings, I also tend to eat a huge breakfast.
  4. Well as a huge Elder Scrolls/Fallout fan, I will not touch another Bethesda game - I have completely lost any faith in them making a good game. As I have said in several of my posts, the modders are what make the Elder Scrolls games so successful - not Bethesda and their unfinished games.
  5. Casual gamers are the bain of our existence -_-.
  6. Tell your girlfriend it's just a game. My parents got me Mortal Kombat, GTA , Max Payne, RE etc. They bought them because I loved the games and I never really had any issues.
  7. At this point, EA, Bethesda, and Activision are all duking it out for greediest gaming company of the year. 99.5% of the negative gaming industry news is about these 3 companies and their disgusting anti-consumer practices.
  8. At this point, I have no confidence in Bethesda being able to make a decent game ever again.
  9. It seriously annoys me that they keep trying to ruin the pc gaming experience for the rest of us.
  10. I only brought it up because you brought up the 3DS which I keep forgetting about because I promised myself I'd play it one day.
  11. It's true though, the best things in life come at a price.
  12. I also watch Upper's videos and I came to the same conclusion. These gaming companies can just release an unfinished, broken game and call it "beta" or "demo" and then some of them release a "day 1 patch" followed by other patches to fix their crappy game which should have been done before the game is released. The worst part is they still charge a premium fee for the game and load it with micro-transactions and charge the consumer for DLCs. To most gaming companies, their titles are designed to be one big cash-grab.
  13. It'd take more than 3 paragraphs to explain why I love both but they are well-made games with replayable content, interesting characters etc. I'd give DMC 5 the nod because I am a huge fan of the series since the first game launched on the PS2. As far as I know, I don't have any more favorite games that were recently released.
  14. I use a can of air to spray away dust particles and other stuff and I use a dry cloth to wipe away any remnants and as far as I am aware, that is the safest route I know.
  15. I'm completely at a loss for words - what are these people smoking?
  16. Cyberpunk 2077 for me. Bethesda has not even started working on the Elder Scrolls 6 yet so be prepared for another 2-year wait.
  17. It's a pretty interesting series - I haven't played it in ages but you'd probably enjoy it. They always make characters with interesting abilities.
  18. Unless I'm tanking, then I will go for mage as well. In extreme situations, I'll try to make a tanky mage.
  19. I tend to avoid the drama on social media nowadays because most of the time, they are complaining about ridiculously petty issues when there are more serious issues that could use that kind of effort and time.
  20. Modern music, in general, is so lame nowadays. I find myself listening to songs from the early 2000s and beyond. When musicians actually put a lot of effort into the quality of their music.
  21. You probably should have used the Shia LaBeouf meme...
  22. I hardly listen to any of the songs released nowadays unless it is from established acts. They just keep pumping out this crappy, lifeless, talentless shitshow and call it music - I'm starting sound like my parents complaining about the lack of original music nowadays.
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