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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I prefer rechargeable batteries all day long because for one, you don't have to keep purchasing batteries repeatedly and you'll always have freshly juiced-up batteries at your disposal.
  2. An Age Of The Empires ripoff?!
  3. DMC 5 and the RE 2 remake, Rocket League, Fortnite, Apex Legends.
  4. These old Nintendo ads were horrendous and the jokes were so cheesy -_-
  5. "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a Jackal!" Grey fox(Cyborg Ninja) - Metal Gear Solid.
  6. GTA Vice City/San Andreas and Fifa because I used to play against my brother every day so I always wanted to be better than him.
  7. That's quite an interesting story! I've seen people with a pet snail (not talking about Spongebob). Hell, I even know someone how loves spiders.
  8. If you had a gaming PC you'd probably try to install them all (which is a bad idea btw so don't try it.)
  9. I play on my gaming laptop since my desktop went kaput and I'm more of a character of chaos - not quite evil but not completely good either. I just went around slaughtering daedras and zombies. I turned my Skyrim into one big nightmare and I am trying to make my character into a Dragon God.
  10. I've been pretty busy all day and it's like 45 degrees outside and my day wasn't half bad.
  11. Decent...the graphics are good - not like the E3 trailer they showed in 2017 but it's still pretty good-looking.
  12. So, not even a light massage wouldn't slightly alleviate your situation in any way?
  13. You sure there aren't any trackers in any of the souvenirs or secret microphones to record you?🤣 Considering the CIA's history I would be very paranoid when accepting anything from them.
  14. It doesn't help that some of these millennial parents are very childish in nature as well so they don't really know any better so they just keep making the situation worse. Then they try to blame everyone/everything for not being a good influence on their children.
  15. Yeah, the music in Fallout really adds to the atmosphere of the game.
  16. Odahving is a tough one so you don't really need to worry about him. Quite frankly, I'm more worried when an NPC accidentally hits me when he is around because I just know they're going to regret it.
  17. I can't remember which MMORPG it was at the time but I was like this is a sign I probably should go play something else...I swore it was some kind of April's fool joke but then I realized it was Mid-November. I also theorized that the admin was drunk/drugged because he sounded like a complete psycho.
  18. I think you have to enter something called a competition for one of those.🤣
  19. Nothing in life is absolutely perfect especially things created by us humans (imperfect to say the least...) The only time I will really start complaining is if the flaw is preventing me from making any progress in-game.
  20. Okay, I guess back to the drawing board then...
  21. It is kind of addictive and that is why I don't play it unless I have loads of time on my hands because I find myself playing it for 4 hours straight.
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