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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. I have duckduckgo set on most browser. Edge resets to the Bing every time new update comes. Google does the same on chrome.
  2. Currently I have gmail for workplace with custom domain of office. And also the one personal gmail. I also have the protonmail mostly used for the game signups and other use cases.
  3. skyfire

    Steam Deck

    I think Ubuntu is pretty much easy to switch to. I have found the Linux Mint to be another good alternative.
  4. skyfire

    When Your PC Dies

    I got the ASUS TUF recently in sep 2020. So I may have to wait for few more years before I can make use of the new laptop build for games and work.
  5. Yes that is possible. But based on what I have seen that a lot of rich from the US, UK and Canada are revoking their citizenship and moving to other poor nations just to avoid all the unions and socialist policies that are affecting business.
  6. Initial offering always remains free. They would be eventually charging for every second stayed on their platform.
  7. If you are into endless action game with fantasy theme? Then you may like this one. I liked the graphics quality here especially.
  8. Yes a lot of them are like that. Especially the apple supporters. They kind of get paid I suppose. Because who would praise apple text editing over Microsoft office suite that so many people use that apple can never compete with. Yet a lot of youtubers are manipulating their reviews just because it's apple.
  9. skyfire


    Yes the combat seems to be the USP there I suppose. Only thing I'd say is they need to work on sound part. They can make it even more gripping gameplay wise.
  10. For streaming with this device and the 32GB setup of RAM would handle it pretty easily. Even some mid level graphics settings can work with most of the games.
  11. Another big issue is that if you use google cloud they if you set them on the timed backups would create multiple copies like git and may end up increasing the storage.
  12. Are you planning on getting VPS for this? Like getting your own VPS server and then pushing this cloud setup on it for complete control?
  13. I guess so. Besides unless ebay gets cheated in this they would not bother even looking into this part.
  14. I was referring to the gaming community being the strong purchase power in the market since the pandemic and they should be focusing on this market is necessity.
  15. Yeah 18 inch onwards would be bulky. Like handling the screen would be difficult. It's like carrying small TV but the thing is the diagnoal ratio is considered so it does not appear too much big.
  16. Another thing is that lot of 14 inchs are being sold with "work from home" tag. People who have glasses I wonder don't they feel small screens more or less issue? God knows.
  17. skyfire

    Steam Deck

    I am saying Linux deployment isn't an issue based on the fact that Unity, GameMaker, GDevelop, Defold, Stencyl, and many other engines have option to export to Linux.. so development wise not much of an issue. Paid customers? that would be an issue.
  18. skyfire

    Steam Deck

    Not much of worry issues. Most of the game developer engines can export to linux or mac easily these days.
  19. I have yet to try hackintosh on virtualmachine. May or may not work but some day I have to add it on some laptop.
  20. Yeah acer aspires are like TUF of asus. which are cheaper than ROG but like good price for specs.
  21. There are few that you may want to look at: https://twake.app/ and another one is : https://github.com/silverwind/droppy
  22. Yes security patching has been pretty quick with the Bitwarden especially.
  23. Yes and sony too. A lot of SEA region content is under SONY. So that would be interesting how much Netflix has to burn here.
  24. Yes his review is the one that got me excited about the steam deck. I think he did fairly balanced review and not attacked it just because he likes switch or some bigger console he can't carry on couch. I hated a lot of youtubers when they attack mobile or switch or even steam deck because they have high opinions about those devices. But Dave has pretty balanced opinion.
  25. Abilities are kind of questionable here. A lot of them being used in the gameplay confused me as most of those were bossfights and I could not make sense of it.
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