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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. That is their gameplan, moving us to cloud and then gatekeep our data and make us beg for monthly and yearly subscription access.. I am done with game dev studios who don't care for the gamers.. all those rich wannabes can GFT.... market since corona has shown it's ugly head on china import prices.
  2. If I ever own my own land and build small house on it. I am going to digital route because considering I am serious hobbyist I don't want apartment heists and robbery damaging my hobby or other computers that I own.
  3. I have been reading the positive views so far. I assume those people who were playing for the game sake and not for popularity watchers, I think serious gamers are giving positive reviews.
  4. I think any serious game can't take such pagan fantasies seriously as those were designed for commercialize purpose so hard to see how it works out.
  5. Yes but a lot of times many gamers can look past the graphics if the story trail is good.
  6. Same views. I do think graphics wise they do have potential. Not sure what other gamers would say about that though. I personally think anyone who is capable of this level of graphics should get more deep.
  7. It is indeed not funny if it is true. but for me it sounds like made up. I mean come on, mario, animal crossing leading to rage?
  8. I love open world games. The only thing is I pick and choose when to touch them. I avoid touching them when stressed and have lot in mind.
  9. Nightmare creatures, hatred, DOOM, and a lot of other old games. i think they had a lot of violence and the psychological manipulation in the gameplay. I played them as more or less hack and slash style and didn't bothered with the scenario I played in.
  10. Yeah they are pretty much following apple on walled garden scenario. They have their own android UI and apps which locks people out on the samsung ecosystem. So yeah they are not doing any different.
  11. Story and graphics. That is what I would look for when it comes to the new games. I think it would be good as long as they are coming up with something new.
  12. Another interesting adventure game for the Switch and Lite users. The game gives you arcade kind of adventure feeling. Check out the trailer.
  13. I thought I should share this "Tim Burton" animation type game trailer. I have yet to see the gameplay of this so I can't say how it would be so I'll wait for that before saying anything. Check out the trailer.
  14. Considering Square Enix is premium studio even if the made mistake, they wont own this. So the crystal dynamics would be taking the fall. Marvel seems to be pushing a lot of it's franchise to the limits and not keeping the simplicity.
  15. Cloud being not in your control or you don't own cloud so the price is always going to fluctuate. Try checking out Amazon AWS storage price, you will be surprised how costly it is. It'd take a lot of time for the storage to be cheaper in near future. Currently the price of the SSD are higher. https://www.newegg.com/crucial-1tb/p/N82E16820156247?Description=ssd&cm_re=ssd-_-20-156-247-_-Product
  16. If you like platformer games in the fantasy category you may enjoy the monster sanctury. Check out the trailer for the switch here.
  17. GOG and humble bundle are kind of solving my digital storage issues. And same with steam. I am not going back to the boxes now considering such games are rare and often not worth with boxes.
  18. I guess that sort of the diversity will always exist in the gaming or any other industry you can see. And the thing is that games and gamers if are diversified like that things get much improved in the due process.
  19. How comfortable are those side buttons and do you need them? I kind of feel like not needed.
  20. The usage that I do is mostly on desk and never on lap or bed. So the heating issues that come with HP even for casual laptops goes to show they have horrible heating management system and also the thing about asus is that market has never recorded maximum number of cases against their casual laptops as being heat seeker. which HP laptops are and by servicing such laptops, HP makes money.
  21. It can fit on lap. But definitely not a gaming machine and even worst part the heating is not even taken care of so even more reason for not being gaming machine. but I guess good for those showbiz and corporate expo type of usages.
  22. S21 leaks seems to show pretty strong side of the phone. I would definitely consider getting one if my Mi decides to give up on me. I have been thinking about switching to samsung for years.
  23. Their new laptops which are going to be so much locked that adding RAM would require resoldering which is a pain. Imagine how much RAM addition would cost. Just not worth it even if I have money ,this sort of locking is as good as north korea and china level lifestyle.
  24. I think there are lot of tests are being done with A14 recently so the performance is a bit known and out there. It's just that tests for gaming are lot different and games are also not much there on iOS as of yet.
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