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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. Fortnite has the Joyride update that contains a lot of new cars and also the refillable cans. That also includes in the same map as that of the coral castle. You can check out new update in the video.
  2. Especially the older version of the DOOM. The creatures and the map clearly looks like some Old DOOM. Modern DOOM has more or less planet invasion type stuff in it.
  3. So you don't have facebook and twitch? And you don't watch those streams?
  4. Yes private lobby feature is there for both COD and PUBG and the thing is that you can play within your own teams vs mode too. I think that feature is there for both games. Just not sure if it is out there for the mobile mode.
  5. Considering they are giving away a lot of new titles for free. And fortnite and SMITE is camped over there I think slowly they are trying to take AAA titles on their own stores. And maybe steam will remain medium level store with most of the indie games published.
  6. In near future, One more thing about digital version would be piracy will become harder because here if box in some way gets tampered with downloaded digital edition they will just remove that user from that network. In near future I'd say not in 2020.
  7. Hellbound which is a new FPS from the saibot studios, is out now on steam. You can check out the trailer on the youtube. Also check out the steam store listing. https://store.steampowered.com/app/753590/Hellbound/
  8. These days you won't find much real players in both sides. I think mostly bots are farming over there and they are hardly making money with it.
  9. I am more into android because I can't afford damaging devices which are on iOS and spending time and money repairing those because of my exhaustive gaming on mobile.
  10. This is pokemon MOBA.
  11. Never played this and considering it's movie specific, which I hate to play most of the time as far as american animation is concerened. I don't know if I will ever play this game.
  12. There is one popular from the saitake that I have seen being recommended a lot.
  13. I am spending a lot of time lately on the puzzle games. I don't mind buying the in app purchase items either. if the puzzles are that good I dont mind.
  14. I think we have to wait for the PS 5 then I think buying any other console in the meantime does not make sense. but then again people have their own console games need and they buy it based on that choice.
  15. I think prices are meant to increase because they have seen the greed. there is no need for increase in price but they will increase. unless the graphics justifies the price rise I dont see the reason for increasing.
  16. I think playing too much we all eventually reach that stage and it is not a good idea to play long enough to get yourself burn out.
  17. I think 8 bit and 16 bit still have some market. in fact a lot of folks are into the older games lately as those games are super fun for kids too.
  18. DOSBOX it is prett good emulator and you can use for the pokemon or any other retro games on simulator.
  19. Well the mobile version is not that bad to be honest. It is also worth checking out if you are into battle royale on mobile.
  20. Actually their Macbook Pro is pretty much superior developer machine and those with money and want to get into deveopment make use of the macbook pro.
  21. I'd recommend taking a look at the project celeste if you like the age of empire game. https://www.projectceleste.com/
  22. 18 hours I can't imagine. I am kind of take break and play type of guy. I just can't imagine stamina of new generation in the gaming.
  23. I played it just to accompany my nephew once. And never liked it to be honest.
  24. It's extremely annoying and I personally cant stand candy crush anymore.
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