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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. I am sure people are going to love it when it launches. I kind of expect borderlands 3 type performance when it does.
  2. PS 5 is what people should buy now that it is releasing.
  3. I think before the storm though had a decent gameplay not that bad.
  4. I think the current COD: MW with mobile release is the only new release they have.
  5. It can be pretty stressful with violence around. I lived in some of such neighborhoods where safety was issue. going out after 8 was either death or mugging.
  6. I think blood, flesh is all they eat and their body continues to function till next cycle. I don't think their metabolism works like normal.
  7. Their new Kakarot game kind of killed the download counter in some place.
  8. Honestly didn't like the game after few gameplays. Though if you check youtube gameplay kind of liked the game.
  9. I remember making a thread about it. The gameplay seemed decent.
  10. Almost every battle royale game has the bots. For example, LOL, PUBG and even Fortnite has a lot of bots.
  11. Current season has the birds of prey promo in it. It's good.
  12. It's worth playing and in 2020 if you havent then you should.
  13. The way that world worked, I think it had bizzare element in it and harder to save anything in the end.
  14. I kind of learned how to keep silent when in group while learning to play the games like AC and similar.
  15. Mage is kind of fun considering you get to play with abilities.
  16. Yeah in some case it is possible. But most of the time some MMO and MOBA games are good to learn with few games.
  17. I think more is yet to come in the new year. I am guessing we will let know in E3 on that.
  18. What happens is that people in MMO and MOBA tend to bully others and eventually real people log out of games and then the rest plays with AI only.
  19. I am kind of waiting for the CyberPunk. I hope it is as per the hype.
  20. Apex is full of bots from what I have heard. The initial hype is gone down and it's no longer fun anymore.
  21. I often watch how others play in any MOBA or MMO game. And that often gives me some clue on how to play.
  22. Recently a new game has come up named "Dreams". You may find some value out of the dreams game.
  23. In fact it is bad for back. Because lot of time our blood flow goes slow because of bed and couch. So not even good for laptop work or even gaming.
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