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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. I think now the money laundering and the funding the wrong ones would begin through games now.
  2. He tries to focus on the flow of the game which includes characters, story, tangent references etc. He does not make game for the sake of cashing in on trend.
  3. I don't know if anxiety caused me to play games or games caused me to the social anxiety.
  4. If it's puzzle game then yes I tend to forget about road and the final mission too.
  5. I think it'd be fun if they add SIMS like life into GTA where people can have their own space apart from the game.
  6. I think most of the FPS games are more of survival. I think puzzle and the story based games have the decision making line.
  7. Sometimes trying to mess with the storyline and trying to please audience would cost hollywood. Maybe not in this generation but i hope next generation can teach hollywood about this.
  8. I think that price range is good enough for most games these days. In between I'll check out the release. Do you guys plan on showing gameplay on youtube?
  9. Playing old games can be fun when you are playing them after long time and kind of forgot your way around.
  10. For me a lot of horror games have changed the way I used to think about gaming. I think with VR and also changing graphics would make horror games an experience.
  11. I think if they are coming up with new games in the storyline I don't care if they bring 3 or 4 now.
  12. Worst part is 4K Streaming. I can't afford internet that can handle that much bandwidth.
  13. To some extent I do take them seriously for some reviews. This approach has worked for many gamers.
  14. I think MOBA genre with free content is a good option and in such case microtransactions can be useful as well.
  15. I think Zelda, Mario, Sonic, Contra, Mortal Kombat seems to be never dying games.
  16. I think these days many people are suffering due to too much gaming. And now that soon there will be more AI. I think people would have time to play games ore than work which is funny.
  17. I have noticed that in league of legends and mobile legends players tend to prefer playing solo and if they lose they blame entire team.
  18. I think the AI and the gaming would overtake our everyday life. I think AI is definitely going to put us into game world where we spend the time the most.
  19. My vote goes for the Kojima. For many of his gaming titles.
  20. I think it was announced during the E3 I guess that metroid prime is coming.
  21. I can think of too many games, like say half life being one but I scratch that considering we have something from them now. I think mostly into the fantasy and mythology world like mix of darksiders, final fantasy, devil may cry etc.
  22. For me it often comes out random. I do see the point of the playing old games during those winter months when I can't go out. But that being said, I think playing when you are indoors is more fun that way.
  23. I remember seeing gameplay of one group on youtube that showed how they arranged "singing idol" competition on PUBG hall. Where they used to shoot bad singers XD
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