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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. I think that's reasonable and also it was kind of due over period of time. It is pity that children commission has to intervene and gaming industry has no such standards.
  2. Modern AVP is lot better if you ask me. But yeah retro time was not bad either for those games.
  3. Looks good. Let the VGR forum know once you release the game.
  4. Game looks cute. Especially with all the chiby stuff in it. I think it'd be fun to try it out. I may consider playing and reviewing if my backlog is finished by month end.
  5. I think I am referring to games having enough budget but still choosing the poor graphics of retro days for it. I am sure those games would do better with even 2D graphics, i mean we can ignore the 3D part for now.
  6. Yeah. I think cross play is not kept in the focus because definitely PC users would be at advantage over mobile due to limited features and toggles between controls.
  7. Haha. That is true. I have seen how they are overcharging for chinese stuff which is cheat af. I guess we will continue to see apple as expensive till end of the time.
  8. I think not expecting much from games and the players in it. That's the only way we can avoid rage. That's what we do in real life too. We don't hold much expectations from people and system. And so we control our rage in real life. Same applies in games too.
  9. Depending on game, you get pass to play specific season map. If you don't want it then play classic or default free map with crate full of free stuff.
  10. Looks like they are doing something in there. I wonder how the final product comes out and looks or works.
  11. I think they are doing a lot now and considering their govt is known for censorship. It's going to get worst from here onwards.
  12. I think even the contra game makers tried to blend in the retro graphics and the mixture of the modern gameplay. I think that experiment is failure, either make everything old or new not partial of both.
  13. This quartner nothing good I can see. There seems to be slow days on steam for indie.
  14. How was your experience with the bugs and some of the issues in the game technically?
  15. Yes the game seems like a new or variation of PC game. the new one is going to be released for both android and consoles. the new one is named "wild Rift". They are launching it with 40 heroes.
  16. Registration as in, for syncing google play has the long method same sync like PC based game. I think cross play would be harder for LOL but I'll wait till release. Who knows they may release different heroes too.
  17. I wonder if they are going to add the Jiren character.
  18. Kind of expected from disney to license things that way.
  19. I think this was expected. though I am not sure how they would handle the mobile microtransaction now that they are on android.
  20. I hope that many countries reduce the importing from china and that put pressure on the game companies too for not following Chinese government.
  21. I think that's where microtransaction games in android comes in. lot of companies make money that way.
  22. Now that we are closer to the 2020.We should definitely get the games which have decent graphics. lot of game developers are still stuck in the retro days.
  23. For some reason I think GTA V was good game though it didn't received as much as it was supposed to be.
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