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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. Possible but not in case of games by netflix. I mean I don't see people playing this any serioously over EPIC and Steam games.
  2. Yeah if they have released the original versions then definitely worth going over for. Hoping that new version they would release after all this remake that would bring back some fun in community.
  3. It looks like DOOM meets the walking dead type of the scenario. Plus graphics looks extremely odd and the dark to me.
  4. Well I just don't get the drama. If you don't like the company leave. If you don't get paid, leave. Playing union games wont work in modern times. They will just outsource it then you are gone.
  5. Well NFT games go through a lot of legal hopps and there is a chance of scams, rug pulls and also hacks. I am sure nobody in the right head wants to deal with that. Steam is reasonable about it in their own ways. unless you have infrastructure to deal with crypto, better not jump into it.
  6. If you are into the graphics of this type and also if stories like this work out for you then definitely try it.
  7. Yeah shows are kind of subpar and also the stories are extremely poor despite big budget so that's netflix in short. I don't know if they become steam of games on cloud for movie users.
  8. Sounds like some sort of the legal lines were crossed. So this was bound to happen sooner or later.
  9. I find it overkill. I mean if you have the hardware go with that. Using virtual machine and simulating resources is not good for games performance.
  10. Yeah in fact recently learned there are parents unions etc also watch over gaming content. so yeah strict life is always there.
  11. I don't see it taking off to be honest. but you never know what market thinks. even stadia is alive despite we saying it wont last 1 year.
  12. Yeah but this was just a remaster and not much was expected from it. I guess people some times are just salty for right and wrong reasons.
  13. I may have to learn those setups of linux mail server. I know many who have done this to save from being relying on external mail services.
  14. Windows 11 seems to have a way to do this but they may not be shipping the final update as they want external apps to take care of this part.
  15. VM wont' be a good idea. A lot of old computer and laptops can be renewed with linux and you can run games in simulator in them. That's a good strategy.
  16. skyfire

    Android 12

    I have yet to upgrade. I am assuming that the xiaomi is going to take forever to upgrade the android 11 to 12 for the redmi note 10.
  17. skyfire

    Happy Game

    Yeah and the similar games from the game developer seems to have some psychological content in it. So I am not sure what was their intention.
  18. I do think that there are people who do make use of the facebook games. It is most likely be a game catalog which they want to promote to keep people engaged to the facebook itself.
  19. skyfire


    Yes and it's kind of like habit forming one too. I guess they had that as their intention while making game.
  20. Just played their stranger things game. Most of the games on their catalog are average. I suppose they want to keep it as a branded store for the tv shows or movies to host their games.
  21. skyfire


    Yeah there are other videos that you can try out if this one doesn't work. they also have the official site where you can see the soundtracks.
  22. skyfire

    The future

    VR would be affordable in next 5 years. And the thing is that with each year the VR involvement would be good for the eyes too. There is a lot of development going on for the same.
  23. skyfire

    Happy Game

    Yeah some of such games are kind of creepy for their mindset.
  24. I think next gen of the macbooks would even be harder to add RAM too. it already is harder to ram. so kind of like chinese castle.
  25. I like the captain america and the ant man color scheme. And also overall the chair design look pretty comfy too. I am sure this would get pretty popular among the streamers and the gamers of twitch and facebook gaming.
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