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Everything posted by Bravosi

  1. They're way too expensive which turns off many users from getting them including myself.
  2. I dislike puzzles that are too hard in a game and force me to look for a solution. They should be mediocre, like in D&D.
  3. Why is it to necessary to identify whether the gamer is a boy or girl?
  4. I tried it and didn't really like. My brother is addicted though, he even keeps making YouTube videos about it! :)
  5. Barely any. Problem is that those game applications install on my phone rather than SD card. So they consume quite a lot. I don't do much mobile gaming.
  6. I've been watching PUBG and Fortnite only, and among them I prefer Fortnite ^^
  7. So far so good actually. This forum is very smooth. The problem I have is slight delay between commenting.
  8. To be honest I don't even know what it is. Maybe it's not mainstream enough hehe?
  9. That's a tough question, I've never given any much thought to it. I guess everything just happens naturally.
  10. Probably I'll play some League of Legends and M&B:Warband. :)
  11. Depends on what I'm doing. Usually I turn it off most of the time.
  12. Oddly enough I'm using a regular mouse, it's not the mouse but rather the skill of a player ^^
  13. You might try to get a used one on eBay as well.
  14. Bravosi


    PS2 was the greatest thing in terms of console gaming that happened to me. I hate the fact that they have disabled the multiplayer. It's unfair completely.
  15. But let's be honest, if a PS5 comes out then by all the means sometimes a PS10 will. Will PS5 keep the multiplayer running on those conditions? Because PS2 is down already ^^
  16. I think the most important thing is not the skill, but rather the attitude and willing to cooperate.
  17. I can't say I wait for it THAT MUCH as I would for an ESO game, but I look forward to it all the same! :)
  18. I prefer games which have less cliche in them, like for example Shadow of Mordor.
  19. This looks so cool! I didn't know such thing exists. I've never heard about "mini playstation".
  20. I just checked it out. I think it's still kinda expensive, considering the amount of other similar games on the market with identical price.
  21. Minecraft is very immersive. I would love to play the story mode, thank you friend! :)
  22. One of great ways I have noticed for gamers to earn money is by advertising something on their videos/streams. My buddy had a nice deal for $300 to advertise some website. It's a good amount of cash tbh.
  23. It's a shame there is no discount on it for PS2, because I would buy it. It's a shame I don't have an Xbox.
  24. I listen with headphones, but obviously I sometimes use dynamics. Depends on what situation it is. Headphones are comfortable, but my head hurts sometimes because of them.
  25. I have numerous favorite board games, like LotR, Starcraft and even D&D. Monopoly too sometimes! :)
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