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Everything posted by Bravosi

  1. I have a friend who stopped using xbox due to red button. Know anything about it?
  2. Bravosi


    The problem with bans nowadays is that they're maintained by leftist policies, rather than against hacks and etc.
  3. I saw PS1 at my friend's house, but myself I got a PS2
  4. consoles are very limited in this regard, sadly.
  5. Bravosi


    You could watch movies on PSP? what about ps2?
  6. I didn't play Red Dead! Though I would love to try it! No time sadly :/
  7. House of Dead is nice! :P
  8. I wish I could have more than one follower. I'd love to have my own army!
  9. I might get Albion, except Bannerlord!
  10. I subscribed! Thanks for sharing your channel. Looks nice! :)
  11. Dark Souls' catch is these graphics I think. Very gray and dark.
  12. We had a bloody war in an MMORPG for 3 days over a piece of land (12Sky). Epic days of MMORPG gaming. Eventually we realized our guild masters concluded peace long ago prior to it. Lol.
  13. Whats the purpose of this setting exactly? if your monitor gets darker then its harder to watch, no?
  14. Bravosi

    CPU over heating

    How many fans is sufficient though? I have either 3 or 4
  15. WOW OMG HAHA! I didn't know Donkey Kong was in 1981 xD
  16. Yeah, it kinda did... But I had different hopes!
  17. Usually when it's extremely boring or repetitive. I.g. in Skyrim
  18. I thought No Man's Sky is doomed and burried?
  19. I actually don't really follow trends, as I dislike the latest one's. :/
  20. I'm also thinking on starting to play Age of Empires again! :)
  21. There are just a several good websites that offer a discount tbh
  22. Gaming gave me worse physical health, but better mental one 😄
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