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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. The last video game that I played was Sea of Star. It was a PC game that was recommended to me by a good friend of mine which I turned out to enjoy very much. I've been playing it for a while now. 

  2. The Talking Tom series happens to be one of my favorite mobile virtual pet game for years. They are great even for kids too. The other mobile virtual pet games I've played which I also enjoyed are ; Bubbu, Godville and Hellopet. 

    Which mobile virtual pet games are your best? 

  3. So, I decided to ask this question to know if you're still of the habit of celebrating your birthday? 

    Tomorrow happens to be my birthday being 13th April. I haven't celebrated my birthday in a while and I want to celebrate this one. What are the kind of innovative way you would celebrate your birthday if you were in my shoes? 

  4. For Christian's, every Sunday is a day that should be kept holy and they are expected to go church. If you're a Christian, do you make out time to attend church services every Sunday? 

    Do you see yourself as a mere church goer to fulfill all righteousness? 

  5. On 4/2/2024 at 4:37 AM, killamch89 said:

    My cell phone is normally on my wireless charger at nights so I always know where to find it.

    Most of the time, I sleep off while still using my smartphone. It's why I don't remember exactly where I left it when I wake up in the morning. 

  6. On 4/3/2024 at 9:04 PM, killamch89 said:

    I used to like Heineken as a teen but Smirnoff was my favorite at the time. Nowadays, I don't really drink anymore because it's just not productive for me and doesn't really do anything for me either.

    If it's Smirnoff vodka, I love it but if it's other white one in bottle which I wouldn't even call beer, it doesn't do jack on me. 

  7. On 4/3/2024 at 9:09 PM, killamch89 said:

    I'm an islander so hot weather is my favorite kind. I hate having to wear 3 sweaters and two pairs of socks to get out of the bed.

    It can definitely get ridiculous when you see how people used to dress because of the cold of winter lol. Personally, I don't mind the dressing as long as I'm comfortable in it. 

  8. On 4/3/2024 at 9:17 PM, killamch89 said:

    I used to have to take up for kids getting bullied in school all the time. It's why you should teach your kids self defense so that they can protect themselves at school. My parents used to tell me that if someone hit me unprovoked, I should kick their ass so that's what I used to do.

    This is why I have made the decision about all my kids having to learn either kickboxing or any other form of martial arts to know how to defend themselves at all times especially against bullies. 

  9. Personally, I love long hairs but unfortunately I don't have a long hair. If it is within my power to make my hair grow very long like those Chinese people that have their hair really long, I am definitely going to do anything possible to achieve that. 

  10. Not very often! 

    Unfortunately, I am not the kind of person that really enjoys eating pizza that much which is the reason why I might stay up to 5 or 6 months without even eating pizza and it's never going to bother me. 

  11. Unfortunately, I don't like eating junk foods which snacks is mostly junk food. This is the reason why you wouldn't come to my house and find any snacks lying about unless I am having kids over, then I'm definitely going to get them snacks they're going to enjoy. 

  12. Unfortunately, if I can think of anything that I am addicted to taking, it is definitely going to the alcoholic beverages. I enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages like wine, spirit and beers. Heineken have always being my favorite beer. 

  13. Winter is definitely going to be my favorite season because I don't appreciate any weather that is hot. This is why I don't have any kind of interest in summer because it makes it very uncomfortable for me to do anything. 

  14. I would definitely choose to invest in Gold for the obvious reasons. It's expensive yes, but on a long run, it's certainly going to pay me more to the best of my knowledge from studying the price analysis of the commodity. 

  15. I was actually bullied in school to some extent until I was able to make my own friends. I can tell you that it was one of the most horrible experience that I had during my time in school and I wouldn't want to see anyone to pass through the same thing I did. 

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