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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. The last game I played was Kid Icarus Uprising and Super Smash Bros. 3DS. I had a very good time playing the games.
  2. Abigail 2024 was the last movie I watched. It's a vampire horror movie of a ballerina dancer whom her father is a monster too.
  3. Heatman

    1 word song titles

    Timbaland - Apologize ft. OneRepublic is another one word song title that I love so much.
  4. I can never get enough of Calum Scott - You Are The Reason. This song echos pure love for me always.
  5. Do you still actively make use of different social media platforms? Which one's have been so good for you that you can't stop using them or take a time off using them for a while? I know some people have moved on completely from using social media platforms, but for those who are still addicted to it, have you ever considered taking some time off and come back later?
  6. Are there things which some people usually do that you always cringe at because you can't help it? I cringe at when some people are publicly discussing sexual related topics in an awkward manner. It gets at me very quickly. What are the things you easily cringle at?
  7. Are the kind of person that loves to eat heavy whenever you're eating or the type that loves to eat small in bits? I can't have a big food dished at once for me to eat, if I see the food big, I will lose my appetite immediately. I love eating in small portions until I'm filled up. How big is your appetite?
  8. Taking a nap during the day is something that's very good for someone's health because it helps to keep one's body well rested, in good shape and refreshed in the day. When it comes to taking a nap, do you have a specific time when you usually do it everyday or is it just what you do randomly?
  9. I finally saw Kung Fu Panda Part 4 today. It's as hilarious as ever. I can't believe they've managed to keep it high in humor till the 4th part installment.
  10. Heatman

    1 word song titles

    Glory by Lil Wayne is a great one word song title is I've been listening to for a very long time. It's one of my favorites.
  11. I can never get enough of this song Glory by Lil Wayne. He's a master in the field.
  12. As long as you're playing your video games judiciously, it's always going to be worth it even if you tend to spend a few bucks in the game's microtransactions if you're the type who plays mostly free to play games.
  13. Mehn, it's never easy to avoid those toxic people especially when it comes to such games. It's why I don't bother with trying to use it no matter how careful I can be. My peace of mind is very important to me.
  14. Imagine how good those views are in the game, I wonder what it's going to look like in the new GTA VI with all the improved graphics when it finally comes out. Rockstar have invested heavily in the game.
  15. Apologising for something that I did wrong is never a big issue for me. Once I know that I'm in wrong, I will say sorry to make amends. On the other hand, I've seen those who find it very difficult to apologise. They will always be looking for an excuse as a reason why they did what they've done. Do you find it difficult to apologise?
  16. How many times do you brush your teeth everyday? There are some who do it only once while some do it two or three times depending on how many times they eat. How do you go with your teeth after eating? Do you always brush immediately after eating during the day or leave everything till before you go to bed then you will brush?
  17. Having a meltdown isn't something that usually happens to me often but early this month was a crazy one for me and my family. It have been a while since I had a meltdown but I did had one before Easter holidays. Two of my young cousins that are not up to 29 years old both died. I was crashed and broken immediately. I had a meltdown immediately I was told. When last did you have a melt down?
  18. Which one would you rather receive when you're shopping between getting a $200 discount on everything or receiving a 30% discount on everything you're shopping for? What the reason why you would choose the option that you opt for?
  19. In life, it's always almost impossible to say that you haven't wasted your time on something that you shouldn't have. What could be that one thing which you got into but after a while, you consider it a complete waste of your time?
  20. The saying - " Nothing good comes easy" wasn't made out of joke 😂. If you want long hair and grow big beards, it requires a lot of work and maintenance to keep them looking good always.
  21. Awwh, that sounds so lovely. It sure looks like you've got yourself a new cat with kittens on the way. I think that you're most likely going to adopt them.
  22. It's a very good Vodka brand. I've had it more times than I can count. It was a girlfriend of mine who introduced me to it around 2015. Since then, I've enjoyed it.
  23. Thanks man. I had a great one. As for jet-ski, I've done it once or twice which was fun. I love going to the beach resorts and that's where I do it. I want to try out something crazy next year. Something like all those clip jumping with sling ropes attached.
  24. You're right about how some people uses religion to make excuses for their actions which sucks most of the time. My family is a strong catholics with both my father a Knight and Lady but that doesn't hold anything over me with how I see religion. The core of my life belief is to treat others exactly how I want them to treat me. If it's something that I would like done to me, I will never do it to another person.
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