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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. On 1/16/2024 at 5:57 PM, Kane99 said:

    With the news that Microsoft was deleting gaming clips and screenshots that weren't saved after a certain period of time, it made me wonder if I had saved all of my xbox clips before I broke my xbox. Oh well, I don't think there was anything too important. I think all the clips I wanted to keep, were already saved so should still be available. Anyway, because of this news, do you now make sure to backup all of your gaming clips instead of waiting for it to possibly be deleted later? I know Xbox will sometimes autodelete a clip you take in game unless you save it to your system. 

    Do you backup your gaming clips to YouTube or other platforms? I have used YouTube in the past to keep all of my gaming clips, at least the ones I want to keep.


    Google Drive have being my best platform to backup all of my gaming clips to. Although, it's not everything that I backup all the time but whenever I want to, it's going straight to Google Drive. 

  2. On 1/16/2024 at 11:01 PM, Kennysplash said:

    I don’t even think of games when I’m sick. Where is the strength to grab a controller and sit up straight? I just continue lying down till I get better. 

    True! If your sickness is something that's very severe, it's going to be very difficult for you to get up from bed and not to talk more of sitting down to play video games. It's definitely impossible for you to lay down in bed and play. 

  3. On 1/15/2024 at 6:07 AM, Debashis said:

    Online all the way. No need to waste time hunting around in stores. Just a few clicks and boom, I've got new game in my collection. Plus, the selection online is way bigger. Gotta catch 'em all!

    Exactly! Why stress myself going through physical stores when I can get almost everything I wanted from online store? Ebay is very good place I've been using to get them without having any issues. 

  4. I'm probably among the few who hates hand Canons or grenade launchers. I just can't get into using them. Side arms is another weapon I hate that much because of its abysmal range. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Shagger said:


    Since when was Ghost of Tsushima a soulslike?

    I had to add it to the list because of its similarities with soul's game with the combat system. If You die, you repeat the mission with all enemies back alive. Maybe it is not that hard as Sekiro or Dark Souls but it definitely gives me soulslike vibe. 

  6. It's actually very difficult to know what's going to be the right game to recommend for a new gamer especially when you don't know what the person's interests are like. I would try and find out the platform which the person intends to start playing. This will give me an idea of what kind of easy going game to pick for him or her to start out with. 

  7. There are so many things that can make a gamer to be angered by the video game he or she is playing. One of the biggest of them all is frustration from the game. If you have played any Soul's games, you're going to understand exactly what I mean. Dark Souls franchise like Bloodborune, Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Ghost of Tsushima and Serkio : Shadow Die Twice will do that to you. 

  8. The only thing AI can't do now is what it haven't berm coded and programmed to do. So, yes I believe that it's something possible when it comes to seeing a ghost themed video game that uses AI to add to the spook or frightening factor in the games development. AI have done harder jobs, so this won't be too difficult for it. 

  9. I have actually seen this feature on Discord recently because I have been using the app a lot but unfortunately I haven't played any of those Discord games yet. I'm still more interesting in using it as a chat messenger more than a gaming platform. Maybe in the future, I'd give the games a try. 

  10. I wouldn't like, this Xbox Series S themed Toaster looks great but would I be paying that huge price to have it? The answer is definitely a big NO! I know that some gamers or even scalpers will like to create artificial scarcity of it in the market just to have its price hiked but it's none of my business as I'm not interested in buying it. 

  11. I have actually used both the Bluetooth headset and wired headset. They are both very good in my opinion, it all depends on what your preference falls on. I have both of them but most of the time, I'm playing with my Bluetooth headset. This is because I don't play for too long, so I don't have to worry about the battery dying on me. 

  12. Over here in my country, some people make money from being involved in video game business of starting a gaming lounge. It's a fully set up video game store with all kinds of consoles and PC as well VR set up. The play games too with their customers. It's a very big business in my country. 

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