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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Then, it's all up to you to find that out for us and enlighten us with your results.
  2. Well, there are some gamers that fancy playing them cards 🎴 games online while there are some that prefer it off-line like you.
  3. Rocket League isn't a racing game but a sports game and I would like to have it ahead of EA FIFA games. Then I would have Gran Turismo over FIFA.
  4. Yeah, with the kind money they are making from the game's yearly releases, they are never going to be passing that up.
  5. The truth of the matter is that there is always a possibility replacement for almost everything in the world. It's if you are patient enough to find it.
  6. Yeah, that's for sure. If you never played games on those systems way back then it's definitely going to very difficult for you to get into them now after playing on PS4 or PS5.
  7. I know very well that in as much as they said that the COD games would be still available on Playstation, it's only going to be a matter of time till they cut it off.
  8. You can be rest assured that's not going to be happening about you getting banned. It's an opinion, unless of course you start attacking people here.
  9. The reason why we are having so much suicide bombers today all over the world is all because of such religious supremacists.
  10. Seriously, some people don't have the mental strength to do that and it's why they decide to stay off for their peace.
  11. At least, they are ads that you decide to watch on purpose for a reason. There are some ads that's forced on you.
  12. They all obey the laws of demand and supply. So, it's what they are supposed to be doing that we are currently seeing in the market.
  13. Yeah, that's for sure. Whenever you get to win, it gives you the feeling and motivation to keep on playing to boost your chances of winning again.
  14. This is actually why you have to make use of reviews website or channels that are know to be very detailed with their works.
  15. There are some games where you can switch from 1st person to 3rd person playing view that's already being played.
  16. When you have made your playing options wide, you can easily get more to get into unlike when you narrow it down.
  17. There are so many bots to make use of and there are free one's as well they can do good job for especially on XenForo software.
  18. It's just like I'm seriously looking for a good series to get into playing and I'm not rushing it at all.
  19. I have been making use of Trading View application for charting my Forex market lately.
  20. I knew how long it took me to win the first NGL Top Eleven Football Manager tournament we played. I think I have won it just 3x in over 10 years.
  21. Yeah, they are always working on getting the VR headset better and gamers are interested in them making it affordable for them.
  22. Yeah, some gaming sites give half information and it's why you need to have it all checked out better before making your decisions.
  23. Yeah, that's very correct. The more the consoles get upgraded, the better their graphics get.
  24. I would pick racing games, in fact any kind of racing games over FIFA games. In fact, I would pick Rocket League over FIFA games.
  25. VR headset have been in existence since the 1950's. They are just working up making it give better in gaming activities.
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