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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. They are the money gaming company and they will definitely do just about anything to keep milking their EA soccer FIFA games.
  2. If the game have got a good narrative, good gameplay and perfect controls, no repetitive games, I'm definitely playing it all.
  3. It's actually been ages since I have laid my hands on any Atari 2600. It's one platform that raved a lot back then.
  4. It's always a good feel. It's something that hardly comes by because you don't know when you will ever be able to win such again.
  5. Yeah, the more information you have on any particular video game, the more you are well grounded in anything that's connected to the game.
  6. Imagine having to be delayed simply because of one useless ad that's going on keep interrupting your gaming.
  7. Yeah, that's for sure. It's like they are having Playstation 5 sold within the range of $500 on their website.
  8. There are some games that would be as cheap as $20 but they will offer quality gameplay than a game of $70 plus upwards.
  9. Yeah, it's something that I got as well when I purchased the first ever game that I did on my android smartphone.
  10. It's actually why I study out anything that's related to any game's series that I want to get into so that I can't be disappointed in the end.
  11. Yeah, I do that but just once for their yearly plan. Doing the monthly plan is completely useless in my opinion.
  12. Normally, what I do is that whichever or whatever information that I pick up from their website, I back it up with reviews from WatchMojo and IGN.
  13. The work load is definitely going to be too much for you to bear and it's going to cause you to miss out on some which isn't going to be good.
  14. Yeah, when you completely rely on luck, you will end up not covering all the grounds that you are supposed to.
  15. Seriously, playing in the way, you can be rest assured that you will be flooded with lots of other games to still enjoy playing.
  16. They always say digital footprints and all but when your digital data get lost online, they can't trace it back.
  17. If they rush it, they will risk messing everything up and it's something that's going to cost them more than it's going to pay them.
  18. It's actually why we have their products the way that we do today and it's something that we can only get used to.
  19. Yeah, that's for sure. Once you get to have the knowledge on how it's done very well, I believe that it's something that you can do.
  20. Seriously, it's all about having to game with the device that you feel more comfortable playing with it and not because it's iPhone or Android.
  21. Yeah, to some essence they work with facts and believe that it's work influences things like cause and effect.
  22. It's all about being open to varieties and adaptation because being too rigid is definitely going to take away a lot of things from you.
  23. Yeah, it makes your work a little easier for you. Imagine having to PM all traffic jumping in on your site their welcome messages... You will break down.
  24. Yeah, they are both good platforms where you can easily access tons of gaming information with ease and the site navigation is so cool.
  25. Once they get smartphone to operate in that level, then it's going to get massively uptight for the purposes they are used for.
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